LU - Professional Studies

LU-105 Adult College Experience

This course enables accelerated students to transition successfully to Lewis University.  It assesses and enhances students' academic and study skills.  Course topics include information literacy, writing and critical thinking skills, online learning, degree planning, and career development.  Students will complete assessments in learning styles, writing, quantitative reasoning, and computer competency.

LU-301 Life, Career, and the Emerging Workplace

In this course, Professional Studies majors begin an e-portfolio designed to demonstrate their learning and present their knowledge and skills to prospective employers.  Course topics include:  e-portfolio tools, e-portfolio design and development, and using e-portfolios to enhance career planning and development.  Students will develop one e-portfolio module.  In each course of the Professional Studies Core, students will add to their e-portfolio.  Prerequisite:  Students must have completed or be registered for LU105 during the same semester.


Students must have completed or be registered for LU105 during the same semester.

LU-310 Critical Thinking and Information Literacy

In this course, students study the strategies and methods of critical thinking.  Course topics include:  reading critically, reflecting on values and assumptions, assessing and constructing arguments, and evaluating print, visual, and online sources.  Students will write a well-argued and documented position paper on a controversial issue.  Professional Studies Majors will add at least one module to their e-portfolio in this course.  Prerequisite:  LU 105; LU 301. Students must have completed College Writing I and College Writing II or their equivalent.



LU 105: LU 301: LN 111: LN 112

LU-320 Information and Technology for Professional Settings

In this course, students examine how information technology is utilized in professional settings.  Course topics include:  understanding information systems and computer applications, using quantitative information to drive decision making, understanding and applying ERP systems, as well as utilizing tablets, mobile computing, and social media.  Students will complete a project and presentation that applies knowledge of information technology to a professional context or business problem.  Professional Studies Majors will add at least one module to their e-portfolio in this course.  Prerequisites:  Proficiency in the Microsoft Office suite; LU 105; LU 310.


Proficiency in the Microsoft Office Suite; LU 105; LU 310

LU-330 Collaboration in Organizations

This course will provide students with the ability to function effectively in collaborative work environments.  Course topics include:  analyzing group behavior and dynamics, appreciating individual differences and their contributions in groups, assessing group leadership, solving problems in teams, and facilitating the improvement of group collaboration.  Students will collaborate in virtual and face-to-face assignments, using case studies and problem-based learning.  Students will complete a team project that analyzes a case and includes an assessment of individual and group processes.  Professional Studies Majors will add at least one module to their e-portfolio in this course.  Prerequisites:  LU 105; LU 310.


LU 105; LU 310

LU-340 Engaged Global Citizenship

In this course, students will study the increasingly global nature of the world community.  The theme or topic of the course will vary.  Areas of study will include:  the social, cultural, economic and political processes connecting the world community, global issues that transcend national boundaries, and efforts to resolve global patterns.  The course requires a global experience, which may include dialogue with students in another country, a short-term travel experience, or engagement within the Chicago international community.  Students will complete a scholarly research project about a global issue addressed by the course.  Professional Studies Majors will add at least one module to their e-portfolio in this course.  Prerequisites:  LU 105; LU 310.


LU 105; LU 310

LU-401 Applied Project Development - Creativity and Innovation

In the first semester of this two semester course sequence, offered in a blended format, students will develop a capstone project.  Areas of study will include the application of creativity and innovation in solving community and professional issues.  In the class, students will synthesize and apply knowledge from courses within the Professional Studies Core and each student's Concentration.  Course topics will vary, as students will design their own projects that address an issue or problem in a community or professional setting.  Students will write a proposal and begin their research.  Prerequisites:  LU 310, LU 320, LU 330, LU 340.


LU 310; LU 320; LU 330; LU 340

LU-402 Capstone Project and Portfolio Review

In the second semester of this two semester course sequence, offered in a blended format, students will finalize and present a capstone project.  In the class, students will synthesize and apply knowledge from courses within the Professional Studies Core and each student's Concentration.  Course topics will vary, as students will design their own projects that address an issue or problem in a community or professional setting.  Students will finalize their research, complete the project, and present their findings orally as well as in a formal essay.  This course fulfills the advanced writing requirement.  In the Capstone course, students will present their e-portfolio as a graduation requirement.  Prerequisite:  LU 401.


LU 401