04-472 Economics Internship

This internship is designed to provide students with controlled on-the-job experience with participating businesses, industries and governmental organizations. Students may be eligible for an internship with jobs they currently have. A limited number of internships/jobs are also available through the internship coordinator.



Economics major, Junior or Senior status, 2.75 GPA, and consent of internship coordinator.

04-473 International Economics Internship

This internship is designed to provide students with controlled on-the-job experience with participating businesses, industries and governmental organizations. Students may be eligible for an internship with their current position if it has an international emphasis and is approved by the Internship Coordinator. A limited number of internships/jobs are also available through the internship coordinator. Economics major, Junior or Senior status, 2.75 GPA, and consent of internship coordinator and the director of the International Business program.


04-492 Independent Study/Economics

Students work on independent reading, research and study in the area of the student's major (that is, Economics majors can do independent study in Economics). Before students can register for Independent Study, they must submit a completed Independent Study form (available in the College of Business), describing the objectives of the Independent Study, sources of information, a time schedule for completion and a method of evaluation to the Independent Study faculty supervisor and the dean for approval. A formal report is required as evidence of the student's endeavors. Note: The Independent Study Form with both the instructor's and dean's signatures must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar at the time of registration.