L8-321 Comparative Government

This course analyzes the politics of the U.K., Germany, France, Japan, China, Mexico, Russia, Nigeria, India, and Iran, among others.  In the course, students compare democracies, dictatorships, the role of religion in politics, and economic development across countries.


L8-331 International Relations

Students will examine the evolution of world political systems and the various methods of analysis used in international relations. In addition to examining the forces and actors that influence world politics, students will look at the prominent issues in international politics, such as national and international security, weapons proliferation, political economy, human rights, and the global environment.


L8-341 Public Administration

The theory and practice of public administration are reviewed, including the principles and problems of administrative organization, personnel and fiscal management and bureaucratic behavior.  This course fulfills the advanced writing requirements.


L8-361 History of Political Thought I

This course examines the history of political thought from the ancient Greeks through Machiavelli. Students will learn various political theorists' understanding of the world and human behavior, the political crises they addressed, and their proposed solutions for these crises. This course fulfills the advanced writing requirement.


L8-362 History of Political Thought II

This course is a continuation of L8-361. Students will examine various political theorists from the modern Western period to the 21st century, such as Hobbes, Locke, Marx, Mill and John Rawls. This course fulfills the advanced writing requirement.


L8-363 American Political Thought

This course examines the ideas and people who have helped shape American political thought from colonial times to the present. Students will examine various writers who discuss the themes of democracy, liberty, equality, rights, and the role of government.


L8-371 Constitutional Law

Students study the theory of constitutionalism, the federal system, judicial review, the nature of legislative power, the Commerce Clause, federal regulatory power, executive power and constitutional construction. This course fulfills the advanced writing requirement.




L8-372 Civil Liberties

This course examines various civil liberties through a review of U.S. Supreme Court cases and the evolving interpretations of the freedom of religion, speech, press, and assembly, and the right to privacy.