LM-405 Multi Media for the Internet

Study and practice in developing media for the Web. Students learn how to use industry standard software to create, edit, and process digital media content for use in specific applications such as interactive websites and platforms. This course is "hands on" allowing students to take digital photographs and video, edit these visuals, and incorporate the product into websites and social media. Student teams follow a production process: concept, design, content development, product testing, and publishing to learn how to create media that effectively uses marketing strategies on websites and Social Media tools.




LM-410 Social Media and Public Relations

Public Relations is about building mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their audiences. Today we recognize new ways of doing this, specifically using social media. It is social, personal, and messages are spread by the masses. This course discusses the development of PR contents for all types of social media such as blogs, newsrooms, wikis, twitters, website copy, SEO, press releases, and taglines.




LM-468 International Marketing

Students explore and analyze international markets and strategies.




LM-470 Marketing Strategy

In the competitive climate of today's business world, marketing is making an increasingly important contribution in both setting and achieving company objectives. Analyzing an industry and its companies in detail, and drawing on all aspects of marketing theory, students learn to develop and present a comprehensive "marketing plan" - the centerpiece of marketing planning.



This capstone course should be completed as one of the student's final marketing courses.