COMM-40000 Mass Media Law

Students study of the First Amendment freedoms and the laws that regulate or restrict the flow of information access.



Junior/Senior status.

COMM-40800 Corporate Media Production

This course is designed to develop a strong base of knowledge in the area of corporate media production. The student will learn and apply skills in the use of digital media and audio production equipment and software in a number of "real life" production situations including the production of a promotional/instructional production for a non-profit agency in the region.


COMM-41000 Advanced Newswriting and Reporting

This course provides advanced training and practice in newswriting and editing with an emphasis on public affairs reporting.


COMM-41900 Advanced Radio

Students produce programs, do sound engineering, write and produce radio commercials, and practice advanced production studio techniques. All aspects of radio broadcasting and managing a radio station are covered.



COMM 11900, 31900, or consent

COMM-42200 Radio Practicum

Academic credit is granted for work with the campus radio station (WLRA). Students must work one semester with the station before being eligible to apply for credit. Credit must be arranged with the instructor (maximum of eight hours).


COMM-42300 Television Practicum

On-the-job training at the school-run television studio and remote television productions are provided.



Consent of instructor

COMM-42400 Broadcast Journalism Practicum

Students in the course will work with the Broadcast News program WFLY-TV.



Consent of instructor.

COMM-42500 Web Practicum

Students in this course are expected to serve as web masters and producers for the online version of the student newspaper.


COMM-42600 Special Topics in Media

This examination of special topics and problems unique to the broadcast industry includes social, cultural, ethical and technological issues.



Consent of instructor.

COMM-43300 Communication Theory

A survey of selected classical and contemporary theories in human communication is provided.


COMM-44100 Rhetorical Criticism

This course offers a survey and application of the methods and materials of rhetorical criticism.


COMM-45200 Advanced Broadcast News

Prepares students for newswriting, research, and news production for live television newscasts. Includes newsroom, television studio, location, and minicam unit remote operation.



COMM 21000

COMM-45300 Advanced Media Production

This course provides experience in single and multicamera shoots, advanced studio techniques, writing and producing media programs including news packages, commercials/PSAs, and documentaries.



COMM 35300 or consent

COMM-45500 Television Directing

Students direct and produce television shows. This course concentrates on all aspects of producing and directing, including pre-production planning, set-up and rehearsal, production and post-production.



COMM 35300

COMM-45600 Mass Media Research Methods

This course provides an understanding of the primary research methods utilized in advertising, broadcasting, communication, journalism, and public relations. The course covers the elements of scientific research, sampling methods, various data collection and research approaches, basic statistical procedures, research ethics as well as writing and reporting techniques.


Junior or senior standing

COMM-45700 Advanced Postproduction

This course provides experience in advanced level computer-based digital editing.



COMM 35700

COMM-46100 Persuasion Theory and Campaigns

Students examine the means of motivation in any message or social situation that can be used to influence others and protect individuals from influence. They also analyze the observed persuasive effects and presentation of persuasive messages and develop a mock persuasive campaign.



COMM 11200

COMM-47000 Seminar in Rhetoric and Communication

In this special topics seminar, subjects include nonverbal communication, as well as intercultural, political and gender communication.



Consent of instructor.

COMM-47100 Advanced Multimedia Production

Provides in-depth experience and mastery of animation software. The course involves the creation of elaborate games and simulations for various multimedia clients.


COMM-48000 Mass Media Ethics

This course provides a comprehensive examination of the social and ethical responsibilities of the professional communicator. The first half of the course examines the major ethical questions confronting journalists and media practitioners such as truth, censorship, conflict of interest and privacy. The second half of the course concerns ethical questions in the area of media effects created by trying to balance social scientific research findings with the concept of freedom of speech.



Junior standing

COMM-49000 Online Multimedia Practicum

Students in this course are expected to serve as multimedia producers for the online version of the student newspaper.


COMM-49400 Digital Production Practicum

Students get an opportunity to produce long-form digital media productions including documentaries and promotional work under the direction of the Lewis University media staff.



Consent of program director.

COMM-49500 Journalism Practicum

Students get an opportunity to apply skills learned in journalism courses by working on the staff of The Flyer by writing, editing, or working on layout.



Consent of program director.

COMM-49600 Entrepreneurship in Digital Communication

Students will learn how to create and manage media-focused web applications, as well as create and present a proposal for a media-focused web application based on their individual background. Additional topics include manipulating statistical data in web applications for digital storytelling; developing expertise in ecommerce solutions, freelancing, and branding; and gaining an understanding of sole proprietorships, corporations, and LLCs.


COMM-49800 Internship

By being placed in various media or other business communication outlets arranged with an advisor, students gain on-the-job experience.



Consent of instructor and internship contract.

COMM-49900 Independent Study

Students conduct independent research projects directed by a departmental instructor. The project is in an area of communication not covered in other courses. Students must present a brief outline of the project and obtain the instructor's approval before registration.



Communication major. To qualify for an Independent Study, a student must have successfully completed 60 credit hours, at least 12 of which were earned at Lewis University, and have earned at Lewis University a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.