FLAN-300XX Topics in a Foreign Language

This topics course focuses on issues relevant to the study of a foreign language and the cultures which communicate in it. This course is intended for foreign language minors or any other students who want to enhance foundation skills in reading, writing, and speaking in a foreign language. Consult the Director of the Foreign Language Program for relevant details. The course is taught in the target language. Topics will vary.



FLAN 20300, FLAN 20400, FLAN 28300, FLAN 20900, FLAN 21400, FLAN 22400, FLAN 23100, FLAN 23400, FLAN 24400, FLAN 24900, FLAN 25400, FLAN 25900, FLAN 29100, FLAN 29200 OR FLAN 29900

FLAN-30100 Spanish Conversation and Composition 1

This course is primarily intended for students majoring in Spanish Language and Culture.  Its main goal is to assist students to reach Intermediate Mid-Proficiency in Speaking/Listening and Writing Spanish.


FLAN 20400, FLAN 28300 and FLAN 10500

FLAN-35500 Reading and Writing in Arabic

This course is primarily intended for students completing a minor in Arabic language and culture and assists students in reaching Intermediate Mid/High Level Proficiency in these same areas. The course can also be taken by heritage learners of Arabic who already speak the language but seek to improve their reading and writing skills. Students will read narratives using Arabic, and these narratives will facilitate students' access to Arabic culture and literary tradition. Students will also write about what they read.

FLAN-37500 Readings in World Literature and Culture

This course is primarily intended for students pursuing foreign language minors in Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Polish and Russian. The purpose of this course is to promote intellectual growth and analytic thinking via the close reading of great works of World Literature within a global context. Focusing on works that facilitate a vision of the" wider world", and of interconnectedness, the student will learn how literary texts have shaped the groundwork for our contemporary global culture. The readings are designed to awaken the students' understanding of the discursive nature of literature, and of knowledge in general, and to lead them to understand that culture does not exist in isolation. No national literature has ever been produced in isolation; cultural production as always been a result of connections and interactions among neighboring cultures, and in our modern-day world culture, it is the sense of interconnectedness that defines the contemporary approach to reading world literature.

FLAN-30300 Spanish Conversation and Composition 2

This course is primarily intended for students majoring in Spanish Language and Culture.  Its main goal is to assist students to reach Intermediate High-Proficiency in Speaking/Listening and Writing Spanish.


FLAN 20600, FLAN 30100 and FLAN 20400 or FLAN 28300

FLAN-31100 Reading and Writing Chinese 1

This course is primarily intended for students minoring in Chinese. Its main goals are to develop skills in reading and writing Chinese characters and to assist students in reaching Intermediate Level Proficiency in these same areas. It is the first course of two. Both courses focus on intensive practice in reading and writing in Chinese characters. Students will read narratives using Chinese characters, and these narratives will facilitate students' access to Chinese culture and literary tradition. Students will learn to write approximately 500 characters and type approximately 800.  This course does not satisfy the General Education requirement for Humanities.


FLAN 21400

FLAN-31400 Reading and Writing Chinese 2

This course is a continuation of FLAN 31100 and is primarily intended for students minoring in Chinese. Its main goal, in conjunction with its prerequisite, is to assist students in reaching Intermediate Level Proficiency in reading and writing in Chinese. Narratives using Chinese characters will provide more information on Chinese culture and further access to Chinese literary tradition.  Students will learn to write 500 more characters and type nearly 800 additional characters. This course does not satisfy the General Education requirement for Humanities.



FLAN 31100

FLAN-31500 Third-Year Japanese 1

This course is designed for advanced students to further increase proficiency in Japanese, expanding vocabulary and enhancing clarity and precision in the use of the language.



FLAN 22400

FLAN-34200 Russian Reading and Writing 1

This course is designed for advanced students to further increase proficiency in Russian, expanding vocabulary and enhancing clarity and precision in the use of the language.  It is primarily intended for students minoring in Russian.  Its main goal is to assist students to reach Intermediate Mid-Level proficiency in Speaking/Listening and Writing Russian. Knowledge and use of the Cyrillic alphabet is enhanced. Readings from the contemporary Russian press and historically important short cinematic performances reflecting aspects of Russian culture are included for practice in reading, speaking, and writing.  This course does not satisfy the General Education requirement for Humanities.



FLAN 24400

FLAN-34300 Russian Reading and Writing 2

This course is primarily intended for students minoring in Russian and is a sequel to FLAN 34200 Russian Conversation and Composition 1. Students will develop more intense facility in reading, speaking, and writing Russian. Students will expand their vocabulary base, learn more idiomatic expressions, and read and write more difficult prose. The main goal of this course is to assist students to reach Intermediate High-Level proficiency in Speaking, Listening, and Writing Russian. Russian short fiction and other readings reflecting aspects of Russian culture are included for practice in reading, translating, speaking, and writing. This course does not satisfy the General Education requirement for Humanities.



FLAN 34200

FLAN-36300 Spanish Linguistics

This course will delve into the study of phonetics (the minimal unit that makes up languages);  phonology (how speech sounds are produced) and improving pronunciation; morphology (how words are formed out of smaller meaningful units);  syntax (how sentences and other phrases can be constructed out of smaller phrases and words).  Additionally the course will include major pronunciation differences across the Spanish-speaking world with special attention paid to Latin America, Basque, Gallego, and Catalan Spanish.


FLAN 20600

FLAN-37200 Spain and Its Literature

Spanish majors will familiarize themselves with the literature of Spain from the epic poem Cantar de Mio Cid, to the works of Juan Ruiz, the Arcipreste de Hita, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Lope de Vega, José de Espronceda and other realist poets; and Miguel de Unamuno, José Ortega y Gasset, and Gabriel Miró, among other prominent writers.


ENGL 11200 and FLAN 30300, FLAN 39200 or permission of instructor

FLAN-38000 ePortfolio

An electronically designed and rhetorically selected presentation of the student's writing following program guidelines is submitted with the assistance of the advisor. A specific, original research project may be included. Oral presentation is required. Foreign Language majors only. Pass/No Pass.


Senior status (90+ hours).

FLAN-39100 Third-Year Language in Location 1

This course provides for advanced study in a target language in location. Intended for Study Abroad students, content will depend upon the university in which the student is enrolled.


Four semesters' proficiency in the target language. Prior approvals of both the Director of the Foreign Language Program and the director of the Study Abroad Program are required.

FLAN-39200 Third-Year Language in Location 2

This course provides for advanced study in a target language in location. Intended for Study Abroad students, content will depend upon the university in which the student is enrolled.


Five semesters' proficiency in the target language. Prior approvals of both the Director of the Foreign Language Program and the director of the Study Abroad Program are required.

FLAN-39900 Advanced Practice Language in Location

This course is intended for Study Abroad students who are highly proficient in the target language. Content will depend upon the university in which the student is enrolled.


Third year proficiency in the target language. May be taken at the same time as third year courses if approved. Prior approvals of both the Director of the Foreign Language Program and the Director of the Study Abroad Program are required.