CSJS-40000 Fraud and Confidence Crime

This class provides students with a broad knowledge of confidence crimes; identify and profile the con-artist and examine why certain victims are targeted.



CSJS 11000

CSJS-42500 Safety and Risk Analysis

A substantial portion of the criminal environment exists in corporate America. The need for experts in the security/loss prevention field is ever increasing as corporate business people find that, when confronted with criminal act, the lack of expertise in the field results in errors or omissions. This course is designed to examine the specific areas of knowledge and skill needed by the crime prevention practitioner. The ability to design cost effective crime risk management systems is paramount. A growing concern for industrial/commercial safety has been evident since the late 1960s. This course discusses historical safety efforts in American history. This course meets the advanced writing proficiency requirement.



CSJS 11000

CSJS-43000 Elements of Criminal Law

This course is a basic study of laws, codes and jurisdictions relating to crime. Special attention is given to landmark court decisions, Illinois' criminal codes, relationships of social climate to enforcement of laws, historical trends and future directions.



CSJS 20000

CSJS-44000 Social Policy and Social Justice

This course will introduce, examine, and provide students the skills with which to analyze social justice policies. This course will emphasize a conceptual approach rather than a statistical focus to studying the creation, implementation, and evaluation of social justice policies. Although this will focus more on the steps involved in the evaluation of social justice policies, it will also address the existence of social justice policies and their relevance to the success of the social institution known as the social justice system (acknowledging the operations of each social justice component - law enforcement, courts, and corrections).


CSJS 11000

CSJS-44500 Criminal Procedure / Rules of Evidence

This course presents an overview of the constitutional rules governing the criminal investigation, detention, prosecution, and adjudication of persons in the United States with focus on the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution and the Supreme Court decisions that have interpreted the meaning of these amendments.  In addition, the rules of evidence that are designed to allow or disallow evidence in court are explored.



CSJS 11000

CSJS-46000 Architectural Design

This course deals with environmental architectural and aesthetic issues relating to the safety and security of the general public. Historical perspectives in design related to loss prevention, public safety and security will be examined. Landscape and perimeter design are also highlighted. Various protective strategies are discussed regarding architectural structures.



CSJS 11000

CSJS-46700 Applied Forensic Techniques

A verdict of guilty or innocent is frequently the result of evidence developed and reported by the crime lab. This capstone course, together with the 81-468 Laboratory course, brings together concepts from the other courses in the program in an applied learning environment. Students will be expected to demonstrate the relationship between and the application of concepts from Criminal/Social Justice-focused courses and the science-focused courses in discussions and situational environments.



CSJS 11000 and completion of a minimum of 20 semester hours of the major

CSJS-46800 Applied Forensic Techniques Lab

This course provides a laboratory experience of the concepts and topics of the Forensic Criminal Investigations program.



CSJS 11000


CSJS 46700

CSJS-47100 Criminal/Psychological Profiling

A comprehensive study of the phenomena of serial murders and other serial crimes, this course provides students with a broad knowledge of obsessive-compulsive behavior exhibited by serial criminals in their episodic endeavors.



CSJS 11000

CSJS-47200 Vice Detection and Control

This course studies the role of organized crime in vice related activities. Issues relative to legalized gambling, prostitution and drugs are also discussed. Enforcement strategies on the federal and local level are also highlighted as well.



CSJS 11000

CSJS-47500 Police Administration

At all levels of democratic government, police departments are sworn to effectively enforce the law. This course covers public administration skills, interaction with politics, private interest groups and community relations, personnel recruitment and training, treatment of victims and offenders, and established linkage with related public service - medical, fire and transportation.



CSJS 38500

CSJS-48500 Rehabilitative Counseling

Meaningful staff-client relationships require special training in counseling and advising. This course studies counseling skills required in such settings as incarceration, police custody, parole, court probation, work release, hospitalization, halfway houses and drug abuse centers. Consideration is also given to counseling victims of crime, fire, accidents and disasters.



CSJS 21000 and CSJS 24000

CSJS-48600 Gang Crime-Impact

Multidiscipline theories are presented. Possible causes and resolutions are explored along with economic, ethnic, racial, educational, migratory, housing, religious and psycho-social vectors, practical dilemmas of high-rise housing, automobile mobility, rapid-transit expansion, school "drop-outs," and alcohol as well as drug abuse. Analysis of efforts to combat the problems are considered, including law enforcement, legislation, and community cooperation.


CSJS 11000

CSJS-48700 Public Sector Labor Relations

Students examine the rapid emergence of the public sector in the labor-management forum. Public safety students come to understand that they are more than participants in this forum; they are contributors to the beginnings of public safety.



CSJS 11000

CSJS-48900 Female Crime and Incarceration

Patterns of criminal behavior on the part of women, the etiology of female crime and criminal justice system responses, with special emphasis on the correctional aspects of female offenders are explored.



CSJS 11000

CSJS-49000 Research Methods

This course is designated to provide students with an overview of the methods and techniques of research in the behavioral sciences. Special emphasis is placed on methods and techniques for conducting research in justice, law, and public safety studies, including the relationship between theory and research, the nature of causation, research designs and techniques, conceptualization and measurement, operational, sampling, and ethical issues. Furthermore, students will be exposed to current research in the field.



CSJS 11000 and two upper-division Criminal/Social Justice courses

CSJS-49200 Military Criminal Justice

This course provides a comprehensive overview of the military and the unique laws governing it. Historical discussion of the armies of the USSR, United Kingdom and Japan is covered. Other aspects include combined operations in emergency martial law situations, refugee control and anticipated national mobilization against the war on drugs. Foreign affairs, geopolitics and history are highlighted as well.



CSJS 11000

CSJS-49300 Organized Crime

This course is presented historically, transitionally, and in current status. Emphasis is placed on multi-ethnic and global aspects. Sub-topics include prohibition era white slavery and prostitution, gambling, worldwide law enforcement and legislative activity, money-laundering, corporate insider trading, sham of business, union-rackets, terrorism and subversive groups.



CSJS 11000

CSJS-49400 Terrorism

This course provides an analytical study of the phenomenon of domestic and international terrorism in contemporary society. An examination of political, religious and economic motives is also covered as well as group tactics.  The course will also examine various types of terror groups including single issue, right-wing, left-wing, separatist, and Jihadist groups.


CSJS-49500 Criminal Justice Information Systems

Information needs and interfaces for different departments are summarized. This course also provides pertinent, contemporary material regarding the collection, storage and dissemination of criminal justice information.



CSJS 11000

CSJS-49600 Rights and Civil Liability

The purposes of this course is to understand the liabilities that may attach to the police and their respective departments when officers engage in improper conduct, and to understand various lawsuits that may be filed against a police officer for misconduct. These suits include actions of officers that are intentional, as well as those that are negligent. Students learn why proper training, supervision and department rules and regulations are so important.



CSJS 11000

CSJS-49800 Internship

This internship gives students practical, related experience through placement in selected settings. Students attend scheduled seminars, confer with the Internship Coordinator, submit written reports and maintain a task log. Three credit hours (which require a minimum of 210 / maximum of 360 clock hours) or six semester credit hours (which require a minimum of 420 / maximum of 720 clock hours) may be earned.



CSJS 11000, GPA of 3.00 or above, Junior/Senior status and approval of internship coordinator and chairperson

CSJS-49900 Independent Study

Students get an opportunity to explore, in a structured manner, a special interest area of their choice. Students are expected to meet with their advisor throughout the semester while preparing their report. A prescribed stylized written report in duplicate must be submitted to the faculty advisor.



CSJS 49000, Criminal Justice major, Junior/Senior status and consent of advisor and chairperson. To qualify for an Independent Study, a student must have successfully completed 60 credit hours, at least 12 of which were earned at Lewis University, and have earned at Lewis University a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.