BIOL - Biology
Basic concepts pertinent to a general understanding of the biological sciences constitute the subject matter in this introduction.
The basic principles of human anatomy and physiology are covered in lecture and lab. Emphasis is placed on the normal, non-diseased state of the human body as a basis for advanced courses. This course is intended for Nursing majors.
One year of high school Biology and Chemistry.
BIOL 10200
This lab emphasizes a hands-on approach to learning and understanding the various organ systems in the human body. Lab consists of both anatomical dissection and multiple computer modulated activities to demonstrate and comprehend non-diseased physiological mechanisms.
BIOL 10100
This course is a continuation of BIOL 10100, focusing on the normal anatomy and physiology of the human body. The course material is taught from a systemic standpoint and physiological mechanisms are emphasized to provide the students with a basis for future coursework involving the derivation of pathological conditions. Critical material covered includes the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, immune, lymphatic, digestive and reproductive systems. This course is intended for Nursing majors.
BIOL 10100 and BIOL 10200; CHEM 10500 recommended
BIOL 10400
A continuation of BIOL 10200, which includes dissection of various mammal organs and the fetal pig. The human body is explored from a systemic approach using both inquiry based labs and computer modeled exercises.
BIOL 10100 and BIOL 10200; CHEM 10500 recommended
BIOL 10300
As an introduction to environmental issues, this course covers basic ecology of ecosystems, the effects and consequences of human activity on the environment, and currents laws and policies. Students investigate issues and sustainable solutions. The course is designed for non-science majors and fulfills the General Education requirement.
IAI: L1 905
An introduction to the genetic principles that govern human inheritance, the course emphasizes modern interpretations of genetic laws as they apply to humans. The course is designed for non-science majors and fulfills the General Education requirement.
IAI: L1 906
An introduction to the structure and function of human biology, this course focuses on the role of anatomy and physiology in everyday life. The course is designed for non-science majors and fulfills the General Education requirement.
IAI: L1 904
Students explore the organization of living things, from the molecular level through the organismic levels. Emphasis is placed on the chemistry of life, cell structure and function, energy pathways in respiration and photosynthesis, structure and function of animal organ systems and homeostasis in animals.
One year of high school Biology and Chemistry. Intended for Biology Department majors.
BIOL 11100
This laboratory is designed to allow students to explore scientific principles introduced in the lecture component using an inquiry-based method. Student will perform experiments which examine cell structure and function (prokaryotic and eukaryotic, uni-and multicellular) as well as designing experiments in enzyme kinetics and organ physiology. Concepts such as molarity, percent solutions, and pH/acid-base balance will be reinforced through student-driven experimentation.
BIOL 11000
An introduction to forensic biology and its relationship to criminal investigations. Students will learn about topics related to crime scenes such as decay, discovery and recovery of human bodies, body fluids, human skeleton, waste products, blood splatter analysis, as well as the role of invertebrates, vertebrates, protists, fungi, plants and microbes in forensics. There will be a review of the significance of blood typing, DNA collection and analysis, skeletal biological profiles, and plant and animal toxins. An emphasis will be placed on the proper collection and preservation of different types of evidence found at crime scenes.
This course is a continuation of BIOL 11000, with emphasis on the reproduction, development, inheritance, evolution, ecology and behavior of biological systems.
BIOL 11000
BIOL 11600
In this laboratory course students investigate the cell cycle, gametogenesis, and principles of inheritance including the normal human karyotype and chromosomal disorders. Students survey the microbial world and compare the anatomy and physiology of invertebrates and vertebrates with a focus on evolutionary differences. Students are expected to complete a semester-long investigative project designed to familiarize students with data collection, analysis, and presentation skills.
BIOL 11100
BIOL 11500
This is a continuation of PHYS 12000, focusing on the history and origins of life, ecology and the environment, human biology and Mendelian genetics. Emphasis is placed on the integration of these concepts across the physical, chemical and biological disciplines. This course is designed for students requiring a general science class that integrates physics, chemistry, biology and environmental science. This course fulfills the General Education requirement for science.
BIOL 12300
This is the second semester laboratory component of a two-semester lecture and laboratory sequence in integrated science. Topics investigated in this lab include history and origins of life, ecology and the environment, human biology and Mendelian genetics. Emphasis is placed on the integration of these concepts across the physical, chemical and biological disciplines.
BIOL 12200
Study of root words, prefixes, and suffixes of the medical vocabulary. Also included are medical abbreviations and applicable symbols. A combination of learning exercises and chapter quizzes are utilized. Emphasis is on application of terminology through the use of chapter objectives, learning exercises, and critical thinking exercises.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT, BS-DMS, BS-RT or BS-RAD program.
The basic principles of cellular structure and function are presented. Students develop an understanding of the molecular basis of life, the cell cycle, and the structure and function of organelles, tissues, organs and organ systems. These principles are studied in the context of the theories of biological evolution. This course is designed for Chemistry and Physics majors with Secondary Education minors and does not fulfill the General Education Science requirement.
Chemistry or Physics majors
This course is designed for Secondary Education minors majoring in either Chemistry or Physics who need some background in the environmental sciences. The course examines the strategies and adaptations used by organisms to obtain the basic requirements of life. It does so in the context of living and non-living factors interacting with one another and their dynamic environment through population, community, ecosystem and ecoregion processes. Emphasized throughout the course is the fact that humans are part of these systems and interact with the environment. This course does not fulfill the General Education Science requirement.
Chemistry or Physics major
This course is designed for Secondary Education minors majoring in Biology, Chemistry or Physics who need some background in Earth Sciences. Topics include the structure, composition and transfer of energy within and among the Earth's land, water and atmospheric systems. It covers the interrelationships among the Earth's resources and how these relationships are influenced by the physical changes that occur over geologic time. This course does not fulfill the General Education Science requirement.
Biology, Chemistry or Physics major
This course is designed to provide students with a foundation of skills necessary to be successful in the Biology Department at Lewis University. The course will focus on research skills, approaches to scientific writing and critical thinking. May be repeated for credit.
A study of the mechanisms of inheritance in plants, animals and man, this course emphasizes the cytological basis of inheritance, gene linkage, crossover, chromosomal aberration, genetic coding and gene action at the molecular level, as well as developmental genetics.
BIOL 11500
BIOL 22100
Students will engage in laboratory exercises designed to convey fundamental concepts in genetics while gaining experience with modern techniques pertaining to cytogenetic analysis, transmission, molecular and population genetics.
BIOL 22000
Students learn about the Earth as a system with four major parts: atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and geosphere. The interactions and inter-dependencies of the four parts are emphasized. Map reading and GIS are covered. Some fieldwork may be included as well.
BIOL 11500 recommended
This course provides study of the taxonomy, morphology, physiology, genetics, culture, and control of prokaryotes, viruses, and eukaryotic microbes. The relationships between pathogenic microorganisms and their hosts are studied, as well as host defense mechanisms.
BIOL 11500
BIOL 22600
Students explore the morphology, physiology, nutrition, culture, and control of bacteria, viruses, fungi and related microbes. Emphasis is on infectious diseases by body system, pathogenicity of selected microbes, antimicrobial factors, immune mechanisms, and the human microbiome.
BIOL 10300; Nursing and Dental Hygiene majors.
BIOL 22700
Students participate in laboratory investigations into the structure, culture, nutrition, identification, and ecology of selected microbes.
BIOL 22400
Students perform laboratory investigations into the structure, culture, nutrition, and identification of medically important microorganisms.
Nursing majors.
BIOL 22500
This course focuses on the principles of Environmental Science with the main emphasis on the study of ecosystem principles, the human population, soils, the hydrologic cycle and living natural resource management and protection. The course is continued as BIOL 37500 Issues in Environmental Science. Some fieldwork may be included.
BIOL 11500 recommended
This course focuses on the multidisciplinary nature of sustainability needed for effective change. Students will be presented with the concepts and practices of sustainability as a process that meets the needs of the present without compromising the planet for the future. This course will take a holistic approach to develop a firm grounding on the health and integrity of systems that govern sustainability: ecology, climate, energy, society, economy, food, and culture.
BIOL 23300 recommended
This course provides an introduction to the physiological basis of human diseases with special emphasis on the role of normal feedback servomechanisms in maintaining health. Physiological disequilibrium of the major organ systems is discussed in terms of such concepts as cellular disruptions, inflammation, obstruction, and overload.
BIOL 22500 and CHEM 10500
This class offers four field trip studies to local ecosystems, including hardwood forests, dune and bog ecology, tallgrass prairie and river systems. The class meets all day for five days during the week prior to the start of the fall semester.
BIOL 11500 and BIOL 11600
Introductions to the art and science of medical radiography and medical imaging are presented. Included is a discussion of the history of radiology, basic radiation safety and protection, imaging terminology, and an introduction to exposure factors and image formation. Other course components include an introduction to professional organizations, and cultural diversity in healthcare.
Acceptance into the NMH BS-RAD program.
Examines the factors controlling and influencing the production of radiographic images. Exercises will demonstrate application of theoretical principles and concepts. Topics include beam filtration, beam restriction, image receptors, computed and digital radiography concepts, radiographic grids, and technical factor selection and manipulation. Emphasis will be placed on methods of improving radiographic image quality, while emphasizing patient and technologist radiation protection.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
This course is an introduction to the concepts and technology of geographic information systems (GIS) for Environmental Science majors. Students will study theory, applications, and data representation and analysis of GIS.
BIOL 22200 or BIOL 23300 recommended
A study of the interactions between individuals, species, communities and environments, including competition, mutualism, predation, and parasitism. Population, genetics, the evolution of life-history strategies, and coevolution are emphasized.
BIOL 22000 or BIOL 22400 or BIOL 23300
This is the laboratory companion to the General Ecology course. Investigations focus on techniques to gauge interactions between the biological and physical environments, field and conceptual sampling methods, population models, and an exploration of emerging technologies in ecology.
Radiographic anatomy and positioning skills are presented as they relate to performing radiographic procedures of the human body. Specific areas presented include positioning and procedures of the chest, abdomen, and extremities. Emphasis will be placed on the production of quality images while minimizing radiation exposure to the patient. Laboratory exercises will demonstrate the application of theoretical principles and concepts, while reinforcing didactic lecture content. Commonly encountered pathological conditions will be examined. Pathology reports will be assigned as part of this course
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
An introduction to the design and analysis of tests and experimental procedures in the physical and life sciences, this course covers distribution T-tests, analysis of variance, regression, chi-square and other tests of significance. Students are required to design and analyze experiments of both a scientific and technical nature. This class is recommended for graduate oriented students and those who intend to enter technical based industries.
One year of Biological or Physical Science and one semester of college-level Mathematics must be successfully completed with grades of C- or better to enroll in this course.
This course will examine microbial processes in the environment, microbial communities, microbial interactions, and microbial applications.
BIOL 22400
This course gives students the opportunity to perform basic laboratory and molecular techniques used to investigate microbes in the environment.
BIOL 22600
This course examines the radiographic anatomy and positioning skill required to perform radiographic procedures of the digestive system. Also is an overview of contrast media and venipuncture instruction. Emphasis will be placed on the production of quality radiographs while minimizing radiation exposure to the patient and technologist. Pathology reports will be assigned to examine commonly encountered pathological conditions.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
This course will provide the student therapist with the technical aspects of radiation therapy. Discussion will include modalities of treatment and the distinctive properties of each patient setup consideration. This will also include basic hand calculations.
Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.
This course will present basic patient care techniques related to the medical imaging environment. Topics presented include sterile and aseptic technique, standard precautions, venipuncture, patient transfer, care of medical equipment, infection control, patient communication, basic EKG, and monitoring and recording of vital signs.
Admission to the NMH BS-DMS program
Content is designed to provide an overview of cancer and the specialty of radiation therapy. The medical, biological, and pathological aspect as well as the physical and technical aspects will be discussed. The roles and responsibilities of the radiation therapist, the treatment prescription, the documentation of treatment parameters and delivery will also be discussed.
Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.
Orientation to basic ultrasound equipment, instrumentation and transducers, acoustic energy, scanning planes and techniques, anatomy identification, image orientation, and terminology.
Admission to the NMH DMS program, consent of the instructor.
The course content is presented in two parts: general pathology and neoplasia. General pathology introduces basic disease concepts, theories of disease causation and system-by-system pathophysiologic disorders most frequently encountered in clinical practice. Neoplasia provides an in-depth study of new and abnormal development of cells. The processes involved in the development and classification of both benign and malignant tumors and site-specific information on malignant tumors is presented. Content is designed to study normal sectional anatomy via diagrams and radiologic images.
Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.
Content is designed to establish a basic knowledge of physics pertinent to developing an understanding of radiations used in the clinical setting. Fundamental physical units, measurements, principles, atomic structure, and types of radiation are emphasized. Also presented are the fundamentals of x-ray generating equipment, x-ray production, and its interaction with matter.
Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.
Designed for the Biology/Pre-Professional major, this course is structured with focus on medical physiology. All major organ systems are covered as well as an in-depth analysis of the maintenance of acid-base balance as a consequence of renal and respiratory interplay. Students will examine each independent system beginning at the cellular level, followed by organ/system function, and their learning experience will culminate with the complete multi-system functioning of the entire organism. Emphasis is on the normal, non-diseased state.
BIOL 35500 or BIOL 35700
Designed to be taken in conjunction with BIOL 33500 Advanced Clinical Physiology, this non-traditional laboratory component looks at issues in medical physiology and systems function using the case study approach. Students are given medical/laboratory data from a patient and asked to apply knowledge of cell/organ/system function as well as feedback loops to provide potential diagnoses and treatment regimens. Cases are modeled after USMLE Step I (Clinical Board) testing. Lecture notes and outside readings provide the basis for assignments and discussion each class period.
BIOL 35500 or BIOL 35700
Content is designed to provide sequential development, application, analysis, integration, synthesis, and evaluation of concepts and theories in radiation therapy. Through structured sequential assignments in clinical facilities, concepts of team practice, patient-centered clinical practice, and professional development shall be discussed, examined, and evaluated. This includes supervised clinical education, which offers a sufficient and well-balanced variety of radiation treatments, examinations, and equipment. Various rotations include: three general radiation therapy treatment rooms, Simulator/CT Simulator, Nursing Department, and Physics/Dosimetry Department.
Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.
Content is designed to establish a knowledge base in factors that govern and influence the production and recording of radiographic images for patient simulation, treatment planning, and treatment verification in radiation oncology. Radiation oncology imaging equipment and related devices will be emphasized.
Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.
Skills in problem solving, critical thinking, and decision-making are developed, as well as oral and written communication skills. Career skills are enhanced through the interview process, resume writing, and administrative duties including: budgeting, medical and legal considerations, and political issues affecting health care. Special emphasis is placed on research methods, medical law and ethics, and scheduling guidelines. Focus on basic measures necessary to provide quality patient care. Basic principles of record keeping and maintaining confidentiality of information are explained.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT or BS-RT program.
Study of anatomy of the abdominal, pelvic, and thoracic cavities, the extremities, and the cervical area. Focus is on the cross-sectional and 3-dimensional relationships.
Admission to the NMH BS-DMS program.
Supervised practice and procedures for the receipt, handling, transporting, storage, usage, record keeping, disposal, and decontamination of radioactive materials. Emphasis on licensing and regulations set forth by local, state, and federal agencies. Academic and clinical instruction provides students with radiation safety techniques to minimize exposure to patients, the public, fellow workers, and themselves. Regulations regarding therapeutic dosages and follow-up procedures are also considered. Focus on practical mathematics in nuclear medicine including radiation unit conversion, dose conversion, dose calculation, determination of specific activity, decay, and half-life calculation, counting efficiency, and statistics.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT or BS-RT program.
Introduction to and study of the fundamental principles of diagnostic ultrasound physics and instrumentation. Study of acoustic physics and various diagnostic equipment along with artifacts and quality control.
Admission to the NMH DMS program
Theory and physical principles associated with atomic structure, nuclear and quantum physics related to radioactive decay. Properties of the elements and the production of characteristic x and gamma rays, anger electrons, and Bremstahlung. Instruction on the modes of decay, radiation dosimetry, and interaction of ionizing radiation with matter. Basic physics, instrumentation, and radiochemistry of SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography), SPECT/CT, Positron Emission Tomography (PET), and PET/CT.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT program.
Study of normal abdominal anatomy and sonographic appearances. Review of physiologic function and correlation of laboratory data. Integration of radiology reports, patient history, and procedures to effectively perform a diagnostic exam of an organ. Sonographic methods to visualize pediatric and adult abdomen are discussed. Lab sessions with practicals in scanning techniques are an integral part of the course.
Admission to the NMH DMS program
Supervised clinical education that gives the student the opportunity to perform a variety of patient procedures on both Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), SPECT/CT, PET and PET/CT imaging systems for all diagnostic, therapeutic, non-imaging, in-vivo and in-vitro procedures. Clinical competencies developed in patient care, positioning techniques, analyzing images, and the selection of imaging parameters and collimators. Knowledge of integrated computer systems designed for use with clinical gamma cameras, SPECT, SPECT/CT, PET, and PET/CT images. The clinical practicum is designed to promote independent critical thinking, balanced responsibility, organization, and accountability in the student. Students will demonstrate competence in all procedures presented.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT program.
Study of obstetrical and gynecological anatomy with clinical applications and sonographic methods used to visualize pelvic organs, pregnant uterus and related structures. Discussion of embryogenesis and a review of the reproductive cycle is included. Normal sonographic patterns are studied.
Admission to the NMH DMS program
Emphasis on theory and techniques of clinical procedures used in nuclear medicine imaging. Areas emphasized include patient care, developing acquisition parameters, imaging techniques, radionuclide identification, energies, half-lives, and principles of radionuclides in imaging and non-imaging procedures. Students will continue to develop an increased degree of competence in their performance of the skills related to critical thinking and problem solving.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT program.
A continuation of hospital/clinic sonographic experience. Practicum in all the clinical applications in the specialties of abdominal organs and obstetrics-gynecology. Pass-fail grading.
Admission to the NMH DMS program
This is the first of a sequence of clinical courses designed to introduce students to the hospital clinical setting, while providing an opportunity for students to participate in or observe radiographic procedures. Students will complete general patient care competencies during this course, while rotating through various areas within the radiology department. Additionally, they will begin completing clinical competencies related to the chest, abdomen, routine contrast procedures, mobile examinations, extremities, and pediatric procedures. Students will perform under the supervision of qualified radiographers
Admission to the NMH BS-RAD program.
A continuation of hospital/clinic sonographic experience. Practicum in all the clinical applications in the specialties of abdominal organs and obstetrics-gynecology. Pass-fail grading.
Admission to the NMH DMS program
This course provides an introduction to the principles and concepts underlying the effects of ionizing radiation at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organismal level. Topics covered include: cell survival curves, linear energy transfer, relative biological effectiveness, oxygen effects, radiation damage to the DNA and chromosomes, acute and late effects of radiation, radiation effects in utero, acute radiation syndrome, and radiation-induced carcinogenesis. Examples and discussion related to radiation therapy treatment, dosimetry, and radiation protection are covered.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT or BS-RT program
The role of proteins and their molecular precursors, the nucleic acids, is the focus of this course in Biochemistry. As such, students will advance basic understanding of transcription and translation achieved from BIOL 22000 Genetics using clinically relevant models. Drawing from this knowledge base, students will apply their understanding of protein structure/function in an in depth analysis of enzyme biochemistry as well as cell signaling mechanisms. Terminology is utilized from both Organic Chemistry and the Biological sciences.
BIOL 22000 or equivalent
Students participate in laboratory investigations using biochemical techniques for the separation, identification and analysis of biological compounds. Molecular techniques utilized in this lab include ELISA, gel filtration chromatography, protein titration, advanced enzyme kinetic assays, 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and Southern blot analysis.
BIOL 35500 or BIOL 35700; or concurrent
A study of the chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins as sources of nutrition is the focus of this course. Students will learn about the detailed anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal tract as well as the various mechanisms by which the biopolymers are digested and absorbed into general circulation. The interdependent biochemical processes that allow cells to utilize food energy, hormonal regulation of these processes, as well as the impact of minerals and vitamins on the cellular mechanisms, are addressed.
BIOL 22000 or equivalent
This lab is a continuation of BIOL 35600 and is designed to round out the Biology student's preparation for the modern cell/molecular lab. Laboratory investigations include the use of biochemical techniques for the separation/purification and analysis of biological compounds, enzyme assays, affinity chromatography, competitive binding assays, immunoprecipitation, and Western blotting.
BIOL 35700
Pathophysiology is reviewed at the cellular level and progresses to tissues and body systems. The disruption of cellular processes by infections, genetic disorders, and environmental factors are discussed. Neoplastic growth and carcinogenesis are examined, and the types and effects of diseases in various organ systems are studied.
Admission to the NMH DMS program
Evaluation, maintenance, and function of instrumentation used in imaging and in the laboratory. Principles and theory of PET/CT and scintillation camera operation and performance. Radiation measurement, event counting activity, pulse height spectra, detection efficiency, resolving time and statistics. Flood field and bar phantom use for assessing camera uniformity, relative sensitivity, spatial linearity, and resolution testing. Quality assurance procedures for the PET scanner include radial, tangential and axial resolution, sensitivity, linearity, uniformity, attenuation accuracy, scatter determination, and dead time corrections. Knowledge of the operations and maintenance of computer hardware and software. Emphasis on data collection, analysis and processing used in clinical imaging. Application of computer devices and memory usage. Emphasis on SPECT, SPECT/CT, PET, and PET/CT quality control procedures.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT program.
An introduction to basic concepts of physics with emphasis on the fundamentals of x-ray generating equipment. Topics include atomic structure, the structure of matter, ionization, magnetism & electromagnetism, electrodynamics, the control of high voltage and rectification, x-ray tubes, x-ray circuits, and the production & characteristics of radiation.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
Biomimicry is a branch of study which focuses on imitating nature's best ideas as an inspiration to solve problems faced by humans on earth. The course is designed to get students to think ecologically and work with complex whole living systems and apply them to solve human problems. This course is intended to give students the opportunity to explore past, present and future examples of biomimetic solutions and designs to human problems.
BIOL 24300 recommended
This course examines the medicolegal issues involving patient care and medical imaging. Professional Ethics and ethical dilemmas will also be presented. Additional topics include confidentiality, HIPPA, medical documentation and elements of informed consent. Subject matter experts serve as guest presenters.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
Radiographic anatomy and positioning skills are presented as they relate to performing radiographic procedures of the human body. Specific areas presented include the pelvic girdle, bony thorax, spinal column, sacrum & coccyx. Emphasis will be placed on the production of quality images while minimizing radiation exposure to the patient. Laboratory exercises will demonstrate the application of theoretical principles and concepts, while reinforcing didactic lecture content. Commonly encountered pathological conditions will be examined. Pathology reports will be assigned as part of this course.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
This course examines the radiographic anatomy and positioning skill required to perform radiographic procedures of the urinary, biliary, and reproductive systems. Also included are imaging studies of the spinal cord and arthrography. Emphasis will be placed on the production of quality radiographs while minimizing radiation exposure to the patient and technologist. Pathology reports will be assigned to examine commonly encountered pathological conditions.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
Students will take a look at conventional energy systems, peak oil, global warming, global energy issues, and a comprehensive examination of alternative renewable energy resources. Fundamentals of renewable technologies such as bioenergy, hydroelectricity, geothermal, wind, and solar power will be studied. The key goal is to challenge students to consider energy production and distribution with an eye toward long-term, low impact solutions.
BIOL 23300 recommended
This course is a continuation of BIOL 23300 Principles of Environmental Science. The approach considers effects of human activity on ecosystems. Topics include environmental ethics, restoration ecology, the atmosphere, energy and pollution. Some fieldwork may be included.
BIOL 23300
Students will continue to rotate through various areas of the radiology department and begin surgical rotations. Additional clinical competencies will be obtained on routine spine and cranium procedures, pediatric procedures and mobile studies. Students will continue to perform under the supervision of qualified radiographers
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
This course will introduce junior and senior level students to peer-reviewed literature in Biochemistry. Students will be expected to interpret and relate data, critically evaluate hypotheses, and develop a succinct, intelligible presentation style to convey scientific principles to their peers. Biochemistry Journal Clubs will focus on principles related to basic cellular chemistry including enzyme kinetics, molecular physiology, cellular nutrition, and cellular regulatory/ feedback mechanisms. At least one journal club must be successfully completed before matriculating into any of the Research Methods courses.
Junior standing as a Biology Department major
This course will introduce junior and senior level students to peer-reviewed literature in Physiology. Students will be expected to interpret and relate data, critically evaluate hypotheses, and develop a succinct, intelligible presentation style to convey scientific principles to their peers. Physiology Journal Clubs will introduce students to the wide array of literature related to structure/function studies and the application of this knowledge. At least one journal club must be successfully completed before matriculating into any of the Research Methods courses.
Junior standing as a Biology Department major
This course will introduce junior and senior level students to peer-reviewed literature in Microbiology. Students will be expected to interpret and relate data, critically evaluate hypotheses, and develop a succinct, intelligible presentation style to convey scientific principles to their peers. Microbiology journal clubs will focus on current literature related to microbial interactions, physiology, and clinically relevant topics. At least one journal club must be successfully completed before matriculating into any of the Research Methods courses.
Junior standing as a Biology Department major
This course will introduce junior and senior level students to peer-reviewed literature in Ecology. Students will be expected to interpret and relate data, critically evaluate hypotheses, and develop a succinct, intelligible presentation style to convey scientific principles to their peers. A mix of classic and contemporary studies covering field, laboratory, and theoretical ecology are considered. At least one journal club must be successfully completed before matriculating into any of the Research Methods courses.
Junior standing as a Biology Department major
This course will introduce junior and senior level students to peer-reviewed literature in Genetics. Students will be expected to interpret and relate data, critically evaluate hypotheses, and develop a succinct, intelligible presentation style to convey scientific principles to their peers. Genetics Journal Club will introduce students to a diverse selection of primary literature focusing on the design and techniques of experiments and the application of these findings.
Junior standing as a Biology Department major
This course will introduce junior and senior level students to peer-reviewed literature in the life sciences. Students will be expected to interpret and relate data, critically evaluate hypotheses, and develop a succinct, intelligible presentation style to convey scientific principles to their peers. The topic or theme of the course will be decided by the instructor at the start of the semester. Biology Journal Club must be successfully completed before matriculating into BIOL 49600 Senior Thesis. This course partially fulfills the advanced writing requirement for Biology and Environmental Science majors.
Junior standing as a Biology Department major
This is a clinically based course designed to familiarize Biology students with intentions of pursuing a health profession with the medical environment. The students experience seven different departments in a clinical setting, such as surgery, oncology, acute care for the elderly, physical therapy, respiratory therapy, and short stay emergency room care during a seven week period. Students must apply and meet specific requirements to be eligible for the course. Enrollment is selective and requires instructor approval. Please see your advisor for more information.
Sophomore or Junior or Senior Standing in Biology Department
The built environment focuses on community growth, local economic opportunity, and the protection of public health and the environment while creating and enhancing the places where people live. How and where development occurs can effect ecosystem quality and services, habitat protection, water resources, energy consumption, and indoor and outdoor air quality. Students will integrate these concepts related the built environment with emphasis on the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System.
BIOL 23300 recommended
The Major Field Test (MFT) is an assessment exam designed to measure basic student learning outcomes in a major field of study. Test results enable academic departments to refine and improve curriculum development, and gauge the progress of students compared to others in similar programs at schools throughout the country. Educational Testing Service (ETS) created the exam, and updates the content on a regular basis. ETS is well known for its professional and standardized testing services.
The main objective in this course is to focus on the neuroanatomy and function associated with normal aging and neurodegenerative disease. The course will also examine common neurological diseases symptoms, diagnosis and treatments.
Senior standing in the Biology Department
These classes are seminars offered by member institutions of the Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area (ACCA). The topics vary from one semester to another. These courses do not fulfill the upper division requirement for any program offered by the Biology department.
Consent of Biology Department advisor.
This practical course is designed to provide an in-depth study of human vs. non-human osteology, bone biology, and pathology. Key information includes the history of anthropology, biological age, sex, stature, ancestry, skeletal trauma, forensic DNA and how this information is used in criminal investigations. This is a travel study course; students must attend two 4-hour preparation workshops, Osteology and Criminal Investigations, prior to the course start date.
A minimum grade of "C" in BIOL 10100, BIOL 10300, or BIOL 11000
This course is designed as a continuation of RAD 104. Course focus will be on continued knowledge development of the factors governing and influencing the production of radiographic images. Topics include technique chart formation, recorded detail and image distortion, processor quality assurance (QA) concepts, radiographic QA and quality control (QC), and digital imaging principles. Causes of poor image quality and improvement of sub-optimal images will be emphasized throughout. The technical factor competency exam will be administered at the end of the course.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
This course continues to provide a clinical setting in which students continue to develop proficient clinical skills. Students will continue rotating through modalities in order to gain knowledge of other aspects of medical imaging. Terminal competency evaluations will begin during this clinical course. Students will complete any remaining procedural and general patient care competencies.
BIOL 37800
A systematic study of the phylogeny, morphology and life histories of the major phyla of invertebrates, this course includes laboratory studies on selected invertebrate phyla.
BIOL 11500 and BIOL 11600
Students examine the physical and chemical processes involved in the vital functions of cells, including ultrastructure, energy transformation, biosynthesis, photosynthesis, membrane transport and neuro-muscular physiology.
BIOL 22000
Radiographic anatomy and positioning skills are presented as they relate to performing radiographic procedures of the human body. Specific areas presented include the skull, facial and nasal bones, zygomatic arches, paranasal sinuses and mandible. Emphasis will be placed on the production of quality images while minimizing radiation exposure to the patient. Laboratory exercises will demonstrate the application of theoretical principles and concepts, while reinforcing didactic lecture content. Commonly encountered pathological conditions will be examined.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
This course is designed to examine the equipment routinely used in the production of diagnostic images in greater depth. Various recording media and techniques are discussed. Topics include: radiographic equipment, image intensified fluoroscopy, recording media and techniques, image noise, specialized imaging equipment, and state and federal regulations. An overview of other imaging modalities will also be presented including IR, Mammography, Radiation Therapy, Nuclear Medicine, PET, BMD, CT and Sonography.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
This course examines the radiographic anatomy and positioning skills required to perform radiographic procedures of the human skull, facial bones, and paranasal sinuses. Additional areas include the spinal column and pelvic girdle. Emphasis will be placed on the production of quality radiographs while minimizing radiation exposure to the patient. Laboratory exercises will demonstrate the application of theoretical principles and concepts and reinforce didactic lecture content. Commonly-encountered pathological conditions will be presented.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
This course is an introduction to conservation biology emphasizing ecological relationships between populations, biological communities and local and regional ecosystems. Stressors to biological diversity (exotic species invasions, habitat modification, etc.) will be discussed along with emerging solutions varying from structural (protected areas and reserve design), lifestyle (attitudes and environmental economics), to legislation.
BIOL 22000 recommended
BIOL 41700
Laboratory course emphasizing the use emerging technology of conservation biology (Vortex software, population modeling, and other tools) and examining primary literature in this area. This course will also include field trips to see conservation biology in action (Brookfield Zoo, Midewin Tallgrass Prairie, Chicago Botanic Garden, etc.).
BIOL 41600
This course is designed for Environmental Science majors wishing some exposure to the study of inland waters: lakes, rivers and wetlands. This course will cover physical, chemical, and biological factors affecting inland waters and discuss such human-environment interactions as water pollution, acid deposition, and habitat modification (both physical and ecological).
BIOL 11500 and BIOL 11600
BIOL 41900
Laboratory course focusing on physical measurement, water quality, water chemistry, and ecological interactions taking place within inland waters. Field trips to area freshwater resources are planned.
BIOL 41800
This course lecture in laboratory study of the structure of vascular plants, with an emphasis on growth, development, reproduction, systems of translocation and environmental and evolutionary relationships.
BIOL 11500 and BIOL 11600
BIOL 42100
Laboratory investigations into the structure of vascular plants will provide students with practical experience in the growth and development of these organisms as well as their role in environmental and evolutionary relationships.
BIOL 42000
This course is an upper-division elective for Biology majors and prepares students for graduate school in multiple disciplines. Three credit hours of lecture material cover regional anatomy throughout the human body and focus strictly on understanding only anatomy and its application to clinical problems. Students finishing this class should have a firm understanding of anatomical terms, planes, views, etc., and a solid foundation in the study of the vessels, nerves, muscles, and bones associated with all regions of the body.
Junior standing as a Biology Department major
BIOL 42300
This is a one-credit hour, laboratory-based class devoted to mammalian gross anatomy dissection. Dissection techniques and suturing are also learned on a variety of organs. This lab utilizes various programs such as virtual cadavers to emphasize human anatomy and the origin, insertion, and action of muscles. This class is meant to accompany BIOL 42200 lecture material.
This course is designed to present a survey of pathogenic microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi and viruses. The morphology, virulence, diagnosis and treatment of these organisms are considered.
BIOL 22400 and BIOL 22600
This upper-division course is designed to provide students with a systematic study of the cellular and molecular components of the immune system. Topics will include the cells and organs of the immune system, generation of B-cell and T-cell responses, immune effector mechanisms, and the immune system in health and disease.
BIOL 22400, BIOL 22600, BIOL 35500 or BIOL 35700, BIOL 35600
Clinical rotations continue through the areas of general radiography, mobile, surgical, and pediatric areas. During this course, students gain proficiency and gradually transition from working under direct supervision to indirect. Advanced modality and evening trauma rotations begin during this course.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
Content is designed to examine and evaluate the management of neoplastic disease using knowledge in arts and sciences, while promoting critical thinking and the basics of ethical clinical decision making. The epidemiology, etiology, detection, diagnosis, patient condition, treatment, and prognosis of neoplastic disease will be presented, discussed, and evaluated in relationship to histology, anatomical site, and patterns of spread. The radiation therapist's responsibility in the management of neoplastic disease will be examined and linked to the skills required to analyze complex issues and make informed decisions while appreciating the character of the profession.
Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.
Content is designed to review and expand concepts and theories in the radiation physics course. Detailed analysis of the structure of matter, properties of radiation, nuclear transformations, x-ray production, and interactions of ionizing radiation are emphasized. Also presented are treatment units used in external radiation therapy, measurement and quality of ionizing radiation produced, absorbed dose measurement, dose distribution, and scatter analysis.
Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.
Content is designed to focus on the evolution of quality management (QM) programs and continuing quality improvement in radiation oncology. Topics will include the need for quality assurance (QA) checks; QA of the clinical aspects and chart checks, film checks; the various types of evaluations and tests performed on simulators, megavoltage therapy equipment, and therapy planning units; the role of radiation therapists in quality management programs; legal and regulatory implications for maintaining appropriate QM guidelines as well as the role computers and information systems serve within the radiation oncology department.
Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.
This upper division course introduces students to the wide range of ethical issues prominent in the natural sciences and relevant in the modern world. As society becomes ever more technologically and scientifically advanced, science must be increasingly aware of its central role in a variety of socio-economic arenas. Paradoxically, all too often knowledge considered to be an advancement in the scientific venue has sociological implications that leave much of modern society mortified. This class looks at topics that potentially fall into these categories and addresses the role of science/scientists in our rapidly evolving environment. Topics are presented in lecture, discussion and case study format and include both ethical and scientific considerations.
Junior standing in Biology department.
Content is designed to focus on various healthcare department operational issues. CQI project development and evaluation and assessment techniques will be emphasized. Human resource issues and regulations impacting technologists will be examined. Accreditation agencies and the role of the technologist in the accreditation process will be emphasized. Billing and reimbursement issues pertinent to the radiation therapy department will be presented.
Admission to the NMH BS-RT or BS-RAD program.
Content is designed to provide sequential development, application, analysis, integration, synthesis, and evaluation of concepts and theories in radiation therapy. Through structured sequential assignments in clinical facilities, concepts of team practice, patient-centered clinical practice, and professional development shall be discussed, examined, and evaluated. This includes supervised clinical education, which offers a sufficient and well-balanced variety of radiation treatments, examinations, and equipment. Various rotations include: three general radiation therapy treatment rooms, Simulator/CT Simulator, Nursing Department, and Physics/Dosimetry Department.
Admission to the NMH BS-RT program.
Study of film critique, technical factors, and interpretation of quality sonographic images. Review of sonographic terminology, image quality factors, scanning protocols and techniques, and normal sonographic appearances of abdominal, OB-GYN, and vascular structures. Integration of clinical history and related organ systems to aid in the interpretation of images. Discussion of abnormal sonographic images and correlation of clinical data to develop diagnostic criteria.
Admission to the NMH DMS program
Presentation of sonographic appearances of pathology relating to the pelvic organs, pregnant uterus and related structures. Fetal congenital anomalies and sonographic appearances are examined. Review of female hormone and reproductive cycle. Interpretation of patient charts, relating clinical history, lab and radiology reports, and surgical procedures to pathologic processes is studied. Discussion of differentiating characteristics of various pathologies and any related organ involvement.
Admission to the NMH DMS program
Skills in problem solving, critical thinking, and decision-making are developed as well as oral and written communication skills. Career skills are enhanced through the interview process, resume writing, and administrative duties including: budgeting, medical and legal considerations, and political issues affecting health care. Special emphasis is placed on research methods, medical law and ethics, and scheduling guidelines. Focus on basic measures necessary to provide quality patient care. Basic principles of record keeping and maintaining confidentiality of information are explained.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT or BS-RT program.
Sonographic appearances of pathology relating to abdominal organs and superficial parts are studied. Discussion of differentiating characteristics and pathologic processes of various diseases. Pathology related organ involvement is identified. Interpretation of patient charts, relating clinical history, lab and radiology reports, and surgical procedures to pathologic processes. Pediatric pathologies are discussed.
Admission to the NMH DMS program
This course is designed to present fundamental concepts and principles of computed technology and its role in medical imaging. Specific topics include physics and instrumentation of CT scanning, image production, and cross-sectional anatomy of the head, neck, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis. Emphasis placed on patient consideration, patient safety, and radiation protection.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT or BS-RAD program.
Continuation of the study of the fundamental principles of diagnostic ultrasound physics and instrumentation. Study of Doppler physics, spectral and color flow principles and instrumentation, artifacts and QA, plus a review of bioeffects, safety and AIUM guidelines.
Admission to the NMH DMS program
The student continues to improve scanning skills under the supervision of faculty, sonography staff and clinical instructor. Emphasis remains on abdominal, small parts, and obstetrical-gynecological sonography. The student will have an opportunity to refine skills and increase self-confidence through progressively more independent scanning. All assigned SCAN proficiencies are completed. Pass-fail grading.
BIOL 35100, admission to the NMH DMS program
Study of pediatric and neonatal structures, and peripheral vascular procedures and sonographic patterns. Normal anatomy and images and protocols will be discussed. Comparison of normal sonographic patterns with pathologic appearances, differentials, related organ involvement, and prognoses. Relevant laboratory data and clinical symptoms will be correlated with pathologies. A vascular scanning lab in included in this course.
Admission to the NMH DMS program
Supervised clinical education that gives the student the opportunity to perform a variety of patient procedures on both SPECT, SPECT/CT, PET and PET/CT imaging systems for all diagnostic, therapeutic, non-imaging, in-vivo and in-vitro procedures. Clinical competencies developed in patient care, positioning techniques, analyzing images, and the selection of imaging parameters and collimators. Knowledge of integrated computer systems designed for use with clinical gamma cameras, SPECT, SPECT/CT, PET, PET/CT images. The clinical practicum is designed to promote independent critical thinking, balanced responsibility, organization and accountability in the student. Students will demonstrate competence in all procedures presented.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT program.
Emphasis on theory and techniques of clinical procedures used in nuclear medicine imaging. Areas emphasized include patient care, developing acquisition parameters, imaging techniques, radionuclide identification, energies, half-lives, and principles of radionuclides in imaging and non-imaging procedures. Students will continue to develop an increased degree of competence in their performance of the skills related to critical thinking and problem solving.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT program.
Emphasis on the evaluation of the performance of scintillation cameras by assessing camera uniformity, detector spatial linearity, and resolution checks and SPECT quality control procedures. The quality control practicum will encourage the student to maintain principles of good record keeping by maintaining the required records for checking computer parameters settings and data interface. Knowledge of the operation and performance of survey meters, dose calibrators, scintillation probes, well counters, and film processors.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT program.
The chemical, physical, and biological properties of radiopharmaceuticals used in diagnosis and therapy. Emphasis is given to the preparation, calculation, identification, administration, and disposal of radiopharmaceuticals. Performance of all radionuclide quality control and quality assurance procedures. Principles of decay and half-life, tissue localization, chemical impurities, generator systems, dose preparation, and techniques of good laboratory practices and cell labeling.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT program.
Study of abdominal, OB, and superficial parts pathologies and sonographic patterns. Comparison of normal sonographic patterns with pathologic appearances, clinical symptoms and labs, differentials, and related organ involvement. Introduction to musculoskeletal imaging, organ transplant evaluation, and the abdominal cavity and GI Tract. Discussion of obstetrical procedures including the Biophysical Profile, post-partum examination, reproductive assistance, and assessment of Intrauterine Growth Restriction parameters. A discussion of RMI is presented.
Admission to the NMH DMS program
Knowledge of cell structure and function as a basis for understanding cellular and organ responses to the effects of ionizing radiation, radionuclides, and radiation oncology and protection. Understanding of units of exposure, organ dose calculation and body distribution.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT, BS-RT, or BS-RAD program.
In this advanced period of clinical study, the student demonstrates full competency in various exams and advances toward more independent scanning under the supervision of sonography staff, clinical instructor, and clinical coordinator. Students will accomplish clinical competency evaluations of assigned structures. Emphasis on abdominal, small parts, OB-GYN sonography and pathology identification, diagnosis, and related organ involvement. Rotations in the practice of peripheral vascular exams, pediatrics, breast imaging, interventional sonography, and other specialties within the field may be arranged. Pass-fail grading.
BIOL 44400, admission to the NMH DMS program
Pathological conditions will be discussed as they present radiographically. Emphasis will be placed on appropriate technical factor adjustments to compensate for additive and destructive disease processes. The goal of this course is to increase the student’s awareness of pathology and how it impacts radiographic examinations.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
A review of abdomen, OB-GYN, and ultrasound physics criteria pertinent to preparing for the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography national certification examinations. Emphasis is placed on critical thinking skills and application of pathologic criteria to the clinical setting and registry exams. Weekly tests, quizzes, mock registry exams, and classroom participation are essential components of this course. Registry applications are provided and discussed.
Admission to the NMH DMS program, consent of the instructor.
Focus on the study of the structure and function of human cells, tissues, organs, and systems. Clinical interpretations of organ systems with emphasis on immunology, and anatomy and physiology, which will provide a basis for understanding abnormal or pathological conditions as applied to nuclear medicine. Causes, symptoms, and treatments of disease are discussed as well as its effects on the images. In addition, the student is scheduled to observe the interpretation of images with the physician staff.
Admission to the NMH BS-NMT program.
This course provides the student therapist with advanced technical aspects of radiation therapy. Discussion will include modalities of treatment and the distinctive properties of each patient setup consideration. Also provides sessions on concepts of treatment techniques and treatment planning rationale.
BIOL 32900
Students will complete any remaining clinical procedural and general patient care competencies during this clinical course. Students will be rotated through areas where competencies are still needed. The focus of this clinical course will be for students to further develop their clinical skills in preparation for an entry-level position as a radiographer upon program completion. Terminal competency evaluations will conclude during this course. Students will continue modality (observation) rotations during this course and continue operating room, CT, and Interventional Radiology rotations.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
This course is designed to review materials presented throughout the curriculum. The intent of this course is to prepare students for the certification examination in radiography administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). A hybrid of on-line activities, classroom discussions, with problem-solving / self-assessment activities will be utilized.
Admission into the NMH BS-RAD program.
Great Books courses will examine pieces of literature, both current and historically relevant, that have had significant impact on the way we perceive the world around us. Course content may include multi-media presentations and ancillary compositions in addition to the text being examined. Great Books in Biology will cover topics in the living world in general from the micro to the macroscopic.
Great Books courses will examine pieces of literature, both current and historically relevant, that have had significant impact on the way we perceive the world around us. Course content may include multi-media presentations and ancillary compositions in addition to the text being examined. This class will focus on the interactions between microbes and other forms of life, particularly humans.
Great Books courses will examine pieces of literature, both current and historically relevant, that have had significant impact on the way we perceive the world around us. Course content may include multi-media presentations and ancillary compositions in addition to the text being examined. This course is an exploration of ecological concepts framed within the context of contemporary ecological research. The discussion format of the course gives students a chance to reflect upon ecological research/observations within this applied setting.
Great Books courses will examine pieces of literature, both current and historically relevant, that have had significant impact on the way we perceive the world around us. Course content may include multi-media presentations and ancillary compositions in addition to the text being examined. Great Books in Genetics will examine books that address topics brought about from the advancement of the field of genetics and the potential social, legal and ethical implications.
This upper division elective is a seminar style course that will introduce the student to the basic rationale for understanding current drug therapy. Emphasis will be placed on drug classifications, mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, and therapeutic application(s). We will examine experimental design, address model validity, and develop a deeper appreciation of the difficulties that occur in whole animal/organism studies. Students will be expected to consider the influence(s) of age, sex, health and other environmental factors that affect the efficacy of pharmaceutical agents. Ultimately, student learning will be assessed through in-class discussion, clinically based critical thinking questions, student presentations, as well as traditional tests.
BIOL 35500
Students gain practical research experience by setting up experiments, testing hypotheses, collecting data, reporting results, and forming conclusions from their analyses. Research projects can be a continuation of pre-existing research projects or student-inspired. Successful projects are expected to be presented at scientific meetings and/or submitted for publication. This course is intended for Biology majors only.
Sophomore standing as a Biology Department major; Consent of Instructor
Working in association with a member of the Biology faculty, the student will write a comprehensive literature review of a topic approved by the instructor. Upon successful completion of the paper, the student will submit and present this paper for approval by the Biology faculty. All students enrolling in Senior Thesis must have successfully completed at least one Biology Journal Club. This course partially fulfills the advanced writing requirement for Biology and Environmental Science majors.
Consent of instructor; Successful completion of Biology Journal Club
Special Topics courses are offered periodically, both in the fall and spring, to upper-division students who wish to expand their knowledge on a particular subject. Such courses are often presented in a seminar format and require significant student participation. These courses are designed to encourage a greater understanding of topics covered in earlier courses so as to prepare Pre-Professional students for future challenges.
See Semester Course Schedule
Students wishing to undertake special studies in Biology may design a topic to fit their needs. The topic must be coordinated with the biology faculty.
Consent of department chairperson. To qualify for an Independent Study, a student must have successfully completed 60 credit hours, at least 12 of which were earned at Lewis, and have earned at Lewis University a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.