HLTH - Public Health
Exploration of concepts and theories of communication and health. Students examine interpersonal communication about health within the context of clinician, patient, family and social support; review mass communication and health including health communication campaigns, public relations, and advertising for health organizations and the news media. Analyze various ways the entertainment media and big technology present and affect health information.
ENGL 11100
Designed to investigate the nature of health communication through readings, in-class lecture, discussion, assignments, and experiential activities. Exploration of the theory, research, and skills associated with communicating in various care contexts including communication among providers, family caregivers, patients, healthcare organizations, and in mediated messages in the marketing and promotion of health information and the politics of health care. Students examine the socio-historical, interpersonal, narrative, and translational aspects of health to become more mindful, educated, and effective health communicators.
HLTH 27500
Provides practical application of the skills required to plan, implement, and assess a health promotion program for populations varied in age and setting. Students complete one cycle of the process, applying theories, skills, and strategies discussed in class to provide a health promotion event within the local community.
HLTH 27500
Study of the distribution and determinants of disease, disability, and disorders in human populations. Provides a foundation of topics in epidemiology through examining infectious disease, chronic diseases, and general health. Students will learn from real world health problems and demonstrate how epidemiology is used to better understand, prevent, and treat these health states among the population.
HLTH 27500
Focus on evaluation of community-based health programs that are conducted for social accountability and program/policy decision making for an audience of funders, policy makers, and staff or for the scientific community. Uses a specific public health program evaluation framework to explore several dimensions of evaluation suitable for individuals designing and/or implementing community-based health promotion programs.
HLTH 30200
Explores the characteristics and organizational structures of the U.S. health system; the basic concepts of legal, ethical, economic and regulatory dimensions of health care and public health policy; and the roles, influences and responsibilities of the different agencies and branches of government.
HLTH 27500
Overview of issues pertaining to local health administration. Emphasis is placed on public sector organizational structures and the challenges they face in changing local and national economies with broad political dimensions. Examines the organization and management within public health settings including system influences, leadership, communication, organization behavior, team development, organization design, evaluation, productivity, performance improvement. Provides an introduction to policy issues in healthcare including state and federal roles in healthcare, the policy process and various healthcare policy and explores values and the American political processes as they influence health policy.
HLTH 30200
Capstone experience that focuses on preparing students to be entry-level professionals in public health. Reinforces student demonstration of the Areas of Responsibility of a Health Education Specialist, facilitating students to be successful in taking the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) examination.
Senior Standing; Completion of all 200- and 300-level courses in the professional program
Practical health education experience under the supervision of a local, professional mentor and University supervisor. A minimum of 90 supervised hours of service in a community-based health setting.
HLTH 48000