

Physics is the science that studies the laws that govern the universe at its most fundamental level. These laws are expressed through mathematics and are uncovered through study, experiment, modeling, and contemplation. Physicists seek to understand matter and its interactions at every scale - from the smallest subatomic particles to galactic superclusters.  Physics lies at the heart of technologies like lasers, the MRI and other medical imaging devices, computers and cell phones, solar panels and other methods of alternative energy generation, and many more.  Majoring in physics at Lewis University will not only provide students a solid grounding in Physics but will also help them to hone their mathematical skills, cultivate powerful, broadly applicable problem-solving abilities, and develop their computational and experimental skills.  Undergraduates also have the opportunity to conduct research with Lewis faculty in fields like lasers and optics, materials characterization, and high energy physics.  Career opportunities are available to physics graduates in a variety of fields, including industry, academia, consulting, medicine, law, teaching, biotechnology, engineering and business. Physics graduates may also go to graduate school in physics, engineering, materials science, or a related field.  In view of the diversity of goals that students bring to the study of physics, the Lewis University Physics Department has made a concerted effort to develop a variety of program options.  This allows students, in consultation with their faculty advisors, the flexibility to select a curriculum that would be most advantageous in advancing them toward their individual goals.

The Physics Department offers a B.S., a B.S. with an Applied Physics Concentration, a B.A., a B.A. for future high school Physics teachers, a minor in Physics, a pre-engineering program, and a dual-degree program in conjunction with Illinois Institute of Technology awarding a degree in Physics from Lewis (B.S. in Physics) and a second B.S. in either Aerospace or Mechanical Engineering from IIT.

In order to be considered for entry into any majors (B.A. and B.S.) in Physics, first-year students must have a composite score of 21 on the ACT, transfer students must have earned a 2.75 cumulative GPA or better, and students currently attending Lewis University must have an overall GPA of 2.75 or better. Facility in mathematics and laboratory sciences is essential.

All Physics majors must earn a grade of “C-” or better in a prerequisite Physics course in order to advance to the next course in a sequence. In addition, in order to complete the degree, majors must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0, both in the major and overall.