PHIL-10600 Topics in Philosophy

This course provides students with the opportunity to study topics of interest to philosophers. Subject matter will vary.


PHIL-11000 Introduction to Philosophy

This course provides a study of the nature of philosophy, its methods, various branches and general historical development. Introductions to logic and to the fundamental issues and theories concerning reality, knowledge and value are also presented.

IAI: H4 900


PHIL-11200 Philosophy for Self Care

A study of philosophical views that lead readers to care for their selves, minds, and souls. The focus of this introduction to philosophical thinking will be texts and thinkers that promote fulfillment, care, balance, and agency in an uncertain world.

PHIL-19000 Introduction to Critical Thinking

This course provides students with the basic elements of informal logic in order to help them cultivate cogent reasoning skills. The students will learn to distinguish between cogent and fallacious reasoning by learning some of the basic elements of logical reasoning.  By applying their new skills, the students will be able to detect fallacies in political, educational, economic, and ethical venues, using contemporary and classic examples derived from diverse media.