PSYC-40500 Methods of Research

Students gain experience in conducting psychological research, including the formulation of testable hypotheses, experimental design, data collection and analysis, writing of research reports and the ethics of research. Students design, carry out, and write up a research project. This course satisfies the advanced writing requirement for majors in the department.



PSYC 10000 and PSYC 30300

PSYC-41000 Advanced Personality Theories

This in-depth survey of major traditional and emerging models of personality combines the study of origins of theories with discussion of research on validity and application of models. Emphasis is on use of theories in analysis of human case studies, using class discussion and written reports.



PSYC 22000

PSYC-41100 Learning Theory and Application

A survey of the historical and contemporary theories of learning is presented. Topics include classical conditioning, free-operant conditioning, instrumental learning, cognitive aspects of learning and some applications of learning theories.



PSYC 10000

PSYC-41200 Theories of Cognition

This in-depth study of basic processes involved in information processing includes pattern recognition, attention, sensory memory, short-term and long-term memory and levels of processing. Concept formation, semantic organization, problem solving and decision-making are also covered.



PSYC 10000

PSYC-41500 Research Methods 2

Students will gain experience in conducting psychological research, including the formulation of testable hypotheses, research design, data collection and analysis, writing of research reports, and the ethics of research. Students will design, carry out, and write up a research project. This course satisfies the advanced writing requirement for majors in the department.


PSYC 31500

PSYC-42000 Psychotherapeutic Techniques

Various contemporary psychotherapeutic theories and techniques are reviewed. The client-therapist relationship, basic principles common to most psychotherapies and the ethics of the therapeutic process are presented. This course has a significant experiential component.



PSYC 10000 and either PSYC 32000 or PSYC 32500

PSYC-49400 Internship in Human Resource Management

Students participate in supervised, experiential training in private sector, governmental or non-profit organizations for a minimum of 150 hours onsite. A program evaluation project and report are required. Placement must be arranged and approved by the HRM director prior to registration for the course. This course satisfies the capstone requirement for HRM and Psychology. This course also satisfies the advanced writing requirement for the HRM major.



PSYC 36500, BSAD 36000, Senior HRM major and consent of HRM director

PSYC-49600 Research in Psychology

In this in-depth experience in research, students design, conduct and analyze a research project in an area of their choice, under the supervision of a faculty member. This course fulfills the Capstone requirement.



PSYC 40500 or PSYC 41500 and consent of faculty supervisor

PSYC-49700 Capstone Seminar

This seminar provides an in-depth study of topics in areas not covered in regularly scheduled courses. Topics will be announced when the seminar is placed in the schedule. Emphasis is on small group discussions and student-initiated examinations of the seminar topic. This course fulfills the Capstone requirement.



Junior or senior Psychology major and three courses in Psychology or consent of the instructor

PSYC-49800 Field Placement

This course provides students with supervised training experiences outside the University 10 to 12 hours per week (20 to 24 hours during the summer). Placement and site arrangements must be approved and completed prior to registration. This course fulfills the Capstone requirement.



Junior or senior Psychology major and consent of the instructor

PSYC-49900 Independent Study

This course provides for an advanced student-initiated examination of a topic under supervision of faculty, usually in an area not covered by other courses. A detailed, written proposal must be submitted to supervising faculty prior to registration.



Junior or Senior Psychology major and permission of supervising faculty. To qualify for an Independent Study, a student must have successfully completed 60 credit hours, at least 12 of which were earned at Lewis, and have earned at Lewis University a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.