CSJS-11000 Introduction to Criminal Justice

This course provides an overview of the function, structure, and historical development of major institutions within the criminal justice system.  Theories about crime and victimization are presented, and the interrelationship between law enforcement practices, court processes, and correctional operations at the local, state and national level are examined.  Students consider the ways in which policing, courts, and correctional practices impact citizens' perception of the justice system, and how citizen participation, political and economic factors influence the policies and practices within criminal justice agencies.


CSJS-11500 Introduction to Private Security

Private security is a dynamic field that is growing at a tremendous rate. Problematic issues have varied over the years, new technologies have been developed, laws have changed, and new organizational strategies have evolved. This course provides students with an overview of private security organizations. Students will be familiarized with the most significant literature, theories and research findings in the field. Types of positions available, duties involved and the employment forecast are also be addressed.



CSJS 11000