54 - Special Education

54-506 Assistive Technology in Education

Assistive Technology (AT) hardware and software supports students with disabilities to improve their learning skills in the general education curriculum. This course will provide opportunities to learn about various assistive technologies and strategies to enhance the learning success of all students. Candidates will engage in identifying students’ academic needs, facilitating their learning with AT devices and assessing their achievements. Candidates will design, develop, implement and evaluate AT projects for students with a variety of learning needs.


54-513 Development and Characteristics of Learners

This course focuses on specific frameworks of learning with expansion and application to those students who may have learning challenges in various developmental phases. Historical perspectives of learning and behavior challenges will be discussed in light of current theories of exceptionalities. Emphasis will be placed on how students with exceptional needs learn in both academic and social settings. Special emphasis will be placed on identification and exploration of students with associated language disorders.


54-516; 54-510. There are no prerequisites for LBSI Endorsement students.

54-514 Assessment for Learning

An introductory study of assessment techniques used to evaluate students with academic and behavior problems, this class will focus on specific evaluative devices, their administration, and interpretation of the results as related to remediation methods. Portfolio assessment is stressed, including curriculum-based and precision assessment models.


Block I or Block II.

54-516 Learning Theories and Schooling

This course is designed to provide participants with a strong knowledge base in developmental theories of behavior, language and learning that have shaped current practices in K-12 public and private schools.  In addition to exploring current research on cognition and learning, course participants will examine philosophy-based, psychology-based and progressive learning theories that have influenced current educational practices.  The examination of research on cognitive science and learning theories will be informed by critical readings from feminist and social theorists who offer alternative interpretations of the foundations on which schooling should be based.

54-517 Instructional Strategies and Learning Communities for Exceptional Learners

This course allows the pre-service teacher to begin to apply a wide range of strategies that will best address the academic and behavioral needs of learners with disabilities. Candidates will develop skills that will allow them to integrate curriculum across subject areas, create learner-centered materials, and develop skills that will enable them to effectively interact with other professionals providing academic and behavioral support to students with individual learning needs.

54-523 Disability Studies in Education: A Critical Exploration of Educational Policy, Practice and Curriculum Design

This course provides participants with an understanding of the ways in which disability studies can inform current educational policies, practices and curriculum design. Participants will investigate both theoretical and practical aspects of the field of disability studies in education - including social, cultural and historical policies and philosophies - and strategies for addressing the biases inherent in many of these influences. Course topics include issues such as changing conceptions of disability, the lingering impacts of eugenics and institutionalization, the promise and progress of the disability rights movement, disability law and policy, personal and family narratives and the portrayal and inclusion of individuals with diverse abilities in the modern media.

54-530 Field Experience I: Special Education

Candidates complete 25 hours of field experience practice in a special education setting.  This field experience will focus on developing candidates’ knowledge and skills related to identifying the support needs of students with disabilities and planning for environmental, instructional and other support needs. In addition to their field work, candidates meet on campus with their University supervisor to further their knowledge and development related to the focus of this field experience. The mentor teacher and University supervisor will conduct performance assessments of the candidate during this experience.

54-532 Methods of Teaching in Middle and Secondary Content Areas

This course engages participants in the development of curriculum, instruction and assessment for students with disabilities in social studies, mathematics and science classes.  Participants will gain both a theoretical and practical skill-set in research based strategies that are demonstrated to support the learning of students with disabilities in core content areas.  A universal design for learning framework will be used to guide participants in designing curriculum and instruction that is accessible and effective for all learners.

54-534 Transitions and Students with High Support Needs

This course is designed to prepare teachers to support students with disabilities who have high support needs in their transitions throughout the school system, with an emphasis on transition from high school to post-school adult life.  Participants will learn about the laws that shape transition services, the fundamentals involved in transition planning, the development of written transition plans, resources necessary to affect smooth transitions and current issues and best practices.  Emphasis will be placed on student and family involvement in transition planning, team planning, preparatory curricula, interagency coordination, community resources, advocacy and systems change strategies.  In addition this course will focus on how to design, implement and evaluate effective teaching and learning experiences for students with high support needs from an inclusive education stance.  Content will focus on using varied assessment measures, developing daily and weekly schedules, planning and implementing systematic instruction from a universal design perspective, evaluating student learning, facilitating inclusive education and teaching academic and social skills along with other life domain skill areas (community, recreation/leisure and  vocational).

54-540 Field Experience II: Special Education

Candidates complete 25 hours of field experience practice in a special education setting.  This field experience will focus on developing candidates’ knowledge and skills related to planning and delivering instructional supports and interventions for students with disabilities.  In addition to their field work, candidates meet on campus with their University supervisor to further their knowledge and development related to the focus of this field experience. The mentor teacher and University supervisor will conduct performance assessments of the candidate during this experience.

54-545 Field Experience III: Special Education

Candidates complete 50 hours of field experience practice in a special education setting.  This field experience will focus on developing candidates’ knowledge and skills related to the assessment of students with disabilities in both academic and functional skill domains.  In addition to their field work, candidates meet on campus with their University supervisor to further their knowledge and development related to the focus of this field experience. The mentor teacher and University supervisor will conduct performance assessments of the candidate during this experience.

54-550 Special Education Extended Supervised Field Experience

This course is intended for those candidates who need extended field experiences with the ongoing supervision by University personnel. Length of field experiences will be determined by the Department and is subject to Department Chair approval. Completion of this experience does not guarantee eligibility for student teaching.


54-530 and 54-540; by permission only

54-557 Exceptional Learners in Inclusive Communities

This course is designed to provide pre-service teacher candidates at the graduate level with the knowledge and skills that are required to identify and instruct exceptional learners in inclusive classroom settings, including students identified as having learning disabilities, emotional-behavioral challenges and/or other disability support needs as described in the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.  Course content and assessments will focus on the characteristics of exceptional learners, the processes for identifying exceptional learners for appropriate services, collaboration with parents and professional colleagues and research-based approaches for designing inclusive classroom settings and instructional/behavioral/assessment strategies and supports for exceptional learners.  Course participants will learn how to implement research-based tiered interventions that enable all students to succeed in inclusive classrooms.

54-561 Early Reading and Writing Foundations

This course allows the pre-service teacher to begin to apply a wide range of strategies that will best address the academic and behavioral needs of learners in reading and English/language arts. Candidates will develop skills that will enable them to integrate curriculum across subject areas, create learner centered materials, and develop skills that will enable them to effectively interact with other professionals providing academic and behavioral support to students with individual learning needs.


54-516; 54-510.

54-564 Partnerships for Inclusive Education

This course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to build and maintain meaningful collaborative partnerships for inclusive education.  Participants will gain an understanding of family and community systems, as well as learn methods for building and sustaining partnerships and trust with these critical stakeholders.  Course topics will also include theories and strategies for effective co-teaching relationships and other collaborative endeavors focused on providing inclusion education for all students.

54-566 Special Education Law

This course is designed to acquaint the pre-service teacher/practitioner, administrator and/or pupil personnel services staff with federal legislation, Supreme Court decisions, state court decisions and other pertinent information pertaining to the legal parameters of educating students with disabilities. In addition, this course will allow the participants an opportunity to interact with peers/colleagues regarding the "need" to incorporate this throughout one’s professional career. This course is aligned with state and national special education standards that include Illinois Common Core 1,3 and LBS I 1,3; CEC Common Core 1,8 and CEC Individual General Curriculum 1,8.

54-567 Workshops in Education: Selected Topics

(54-567 — 54-570) This is a series of workshops covering topics of interest and importance to persons in the education profession.

54-569 Classroom and Behavior Management Strategies for All Learners

This course provides an overview of classroom and behavior management theories and strategies. The course emphasizes the knowledge and skills needed to create effective behavior management and intervention projects for students, especially those with behavior problems. Emphasis will be on use of positive behavior support systems. Candidates will examine behavioral principles, procedures, and assessment methods necessary for effective programming and are expected to apply skills developed in the course by developing both a classroom management and behavior intervention project to avoid or overcome communication roadblocks and improve a student’s problem behavior. Through case analysis, role-playing, cooperative learning, use of technology, and field experience, candidates will learn how to apply principles of classroom management to actual teaching situations.

54-571 Content Area Reading Strategies for Adolescent Learners

This course examines the theories and practices appropriate for balanced reading and language arts instruction and assessment in grades 4-12. The emphasis of the course is on functional techniques for improving student reading performance in the upper grades and incorporating reading into subject matter instruction. Effective reading and writing instructional strategies and assessments, including those that address the specific needs of second language learners, are modeled and practiced.

54-582 Internship in Special Education P-12

This course is a sixteen (16) week supervised internship in special education settings, including eight (8) weeks in elementary and eight (8) weeks in secondary settings. This experience includes observation, planning, and supervised clinical practice of students with exceptionalities in schools, institutions or other facilities under the direct guidance of an appropriately licensed professional.


3.0 GPA; Admission to clinical practice; all required content, methods and field experience course work completed; and a negative TB test on file.


Clinical practice may be repeated only once for credit with the consent of the College of Education and the Teacher Education Committees.

54-584 Clinical Practice & Seminar: Special Education

This course is a sixteen (16) week supervised clinical experience in special education settings, including eight (8) weeks in elementary and eight (8) weeks in secondary settings. This experience includes observation, planning and supervised clinical practice of students with exceptionalities in schools, institutions or other facilities under the direct guidance of an appropriately licensed professional.


3.0 GPA; Admission to clinical practice; all required content, methods and field experience course work completed; and a negative TB test on file.


Clinical practice may be repeated only once for credit with the consent of the College of Education and the Teacher Education Committees.

54-585 Instructional Planning and Performance Based Assessment

The focus of this course is on developing curriculum using an understanding by design framework. Candidates will understand the three-step process to develop standards-based curriculum for P-12 learners. Emphasis will be on enduring understandings, performance-based assessments and learning experiences.

54-597 Independent Study

This course is a study or project done under the direction of a member of the Department of Special Education, College of Education.


Consent of Department Chair and completion of the Independent Study form.