MKTG - Marketing

MKTG-51000 Survey of Marketing

This course considers the "Four P’s" of the marketing mix (product, place, promotion, and price) as well as strategies that guide their use. Students are introduced to the case-study method as a means of applying and reinforcing marketing principles. Equivalent: Three semester hours of Principles of Marketing.

MKTG-56800 Marketing Management

This Marketing course gives students an opportunity to learn more about creating and implementing strategies. Students create and analyze strategic marketing plans with emphasis on several small cases as well as a semester case project.


MKTG 51000 or BSAD 52000

MKTG-58000 International Marketing

Students explore international strategies, special goals, decision making processes across several countries and the selection of entry strategies for foreign markets.


MKTG 51000

MKTG-58200 Social Media Marketing

This course discusses the development of a social media strategy for your company. It defines what social media is and lists the different types of social media tools available there, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Delicious, Digg, myspace, YouTube, Yelp, Google, Flickr, Upcoming, Squidoo, and Podcast. Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook will be presented with respect to how they can be applied and used in business.The course discusses the process of developing a marketing plan using social media and also presents measurement techniques for the effectiveness of social media and their ROI using a number of metrics.


MKTG 51000

MKTG-58900 Integrated Marketing Communications

Marketing communications, including advertising, sales promotions, public relations, and social media marketing, is playing an increasingly important role as companies look to effectively and efficiently reach target markets with traditional and new media channels. This course explores methods of integrating all marketing communications tools, while working within a defined marketing strategy, established budget, and considering media costs and varying buying situations.


MKTG 51000

MKTG-59000 Marketing Research

This course is a study of developing and administering current techniques of data collection, statistical and computer analysis of data, and the oral and written presentation. Applications of marketing research information are analyzed for relevant business situations.


MKTG 51000 or BSAD 52000

MKTG-60700 Digital Marketing Optimization

According to experts, Digital Marketers will continue to be in high demand and short supply. To address this gap in today's market, the Digital Marketing Optimization course will address Search Engine Optimization (SEO), as well as topics including: Landing Page Optimization, Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising, Keyword Analytics and Optimization, A/B Testing, Digital Marketing Analytics, Email Marketing, and Content Creation and Strategy.

Students in this 8-week course will engage in a digital media simulation which will integrate learned skills applied to real data and analytics to simulate digital media strategies. Through this hands-on experience, students will learn techniques for growing search engine ranking and managing paid search campaigns.

Students will also complete this course with two certifications, one for Google Analytics and one for Google Adwords - plus an additional opportunity to obtain certification from Hootsuite. You can include marketing certificate designations on your resume or online profiles - ensuring that, as you grow your network, your qualifications as a knowledgeable marketing professional are front and center.

Tools Used: SEMrush, Hootsuite, Google Analytics, MimicPro Simulation


BSAN 50400 and MKTG 58200

MKTG-66000 Healthcare Marketing

Designed for an increasingly competitive environment, this course explores how marketing has become a responsibility of all employed in the healthcare field. Students are introduced to unique strategies and techniques as well as proven marketing concepts. Terms and theories are explored using case studies.


MKTG 51000, or BSAD 52000 and MKTG 56800

MKTG-60500 Digital Marketing Analytics

Digital Marketing Analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of detailed statistics about digital media engagement of a company with its visitors. These analytics provide important information that help optimize and improve the user experience and gauge performance of each channel. These tools will help you track your Twitter, Facebook and other social media marketing (SMM) technologies and determine if your SMM plan is working. Understanding what kind of data can be derived from digital/social media will help determine if a campaign has been successful and provide insight for future strategy planning. Tools Used: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Google, Sprout Social, Hootsuite, Netlytics



MKTG 58200 and BSAN 50600, or BSAD 52000

MKTG-60600 Digital Marketing Strategies

This upper division marketing course discusses the strategic implementation of online digital media tools as they relate to a firm’s integrated marketing communication strategies. The primary focus of this course will be on understanding social media, how to build successful social media marketing strategies, and how to track their effectiveness through a hands-on Digital Marketing Plan project. Students will use several real-world cases to examine course topics, effectively and concisely communicate marketing analysis and recommendations