21-498 Independent Study in a Foreign Language

This course provides capable students with an in-depth understanding of the research and writing needed in preparation for graduate studies in a foreign language.  Language major seniors that complete this capstone course are provided with unique opportunities to broaden their knowledge of the target language and its influence on cultures around the globe.  Students in consultation with their advisor or mentor will select a narrow topic to explore throughout the semester. Topics may include issues in history, literature, political science, social justice, sociology, and so forth. The research product (a paper) must be a sustained study with a Works Cited page, using an appropriate parenthetical documentation style.  Quality research could result in publication, a desirable goal. The student who applies for an independent study in a foreign language must have achieved Low High-Proficiency in the target language. 




At least four 300- or 400-level courses completed in the target language. Consent of the mentor and the Director of the Foreign Language Program. To qualify for an Independent Study, a student must have successfully completed 60 credit hours, at least 12 of which were earned at Lewis, and have earned at Lewis University a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.