SPMT-30200 Sport Management Field Experience 2: Sport Business Work Experience

This course is designed to provide the Sport Management majors with practical work experience in the sport business field. Emphasis will be placed on the application of Sport Management strategies and skills in a work environment for a minimum of 50 hours. This is a graded course.



SPMT 20600

SPMT-30300 Sport Management Field Experience 5

This course is designed to provide the Sport Management majors with practical work experience in the sport business field. Emphasis will be placed on the application of Sport Management strategies and skills in a work environment for a minimum of 50 hours. This is a graded course.



SPMT 20600 or HUPR 20700 and SPMT 30100 or SPMT 30200

SPMT-31400 Sport Finance

Study of the sources of revenue for financing sport, including the public and private sectors, governments, memberships, fees, taxes, bonds, and trademark licensing. Focus on principles and methodology of fundraising.


SPMT-31600 Public Relations for Sport Organizations

This course is designed to introduce students to the role of effective public relations in the sport industry. The nature and function of public relations will be examined in a variety of sport and fitness settings. Emphasis will be placed on the integration of public relations into the organization's strategic plan. Creating campaigns, developing media relationships, staging media events, providing information services, utilizing the internet and social networks, communicating with internal and external publics, dealing with crisis, and addressing legal and ethical issues are explored.


SPMT-36000 Sport Program Administration

This course studies the administrative aspects of fitness, recreational and school athletics programs. Students review the developmental aspects of program implementation and operational practices, such as public relations, budgeting, office management, program marketing and program review.



SPMT 25800

SPMT-36200 Facility and Event Management

This course will provide the student direction for carrying out the day-to-day managerial and operational responsibilities of a sport-related facility. It will also provide the student with methods for inspecting, repairing and replacing equipment and facilities.


SPMT-36700 Ethics and Governance of Sport

This course is designed to introduce students to the processes of ethical decision-making and effective governance of sport. Emphasis will be placed on governing in an ethical, moral, socially responsible, and legal way in the sport and fitness industry. Ethics/governance models, codes of ethics, and value-based decision-making will be covered. Specific areas to be addressed include competition, sportsmanship, winning/losing, cheating, rules and regulations, violence, drugs, alcohol, racism, gender equity, amateurism (Olympic/Para-Olympic, international, youth, and senior recreation), sports, appropriate marketing/advertising, and human resource management.



SPMT 20200

SPMT-37000 Legal Aspects of Sport

This course looks at liability issues related to the business of sport. Specific areas emphasized include facility management, athletic training, and coaching.


SPMT-37300 Community Relations in Sport Organizations

This course is designed to provide students with a focused knowledge and application of sport and fitness community relations strategies. Community relations efforts will foster goodwill, promote core responsibility, improve public image and organizational morale, and potentially generate new business.

SPMT-37400 Revenue Generation in Sport Organizations

This course is designed to provide students with a focused knowledge and application of sport sponsorships, fundraising, and ticket sales. This study will address the evolution, benefits, and analysis of partner needs, prospecting for sponsors/donors/customers, proposal development, and securing, managing, and evaluating sport and fitness revenue opportunities.

SPMT-37500 Risk Management for Sport Organizations

This course presents a comprehensive review of risk management, loss prevention, and safety/health relevant to sport and physical activity.



SPMT 37000

SPMT-39100 Current Issues in Sport Management

Students study current Sport Management issues using various techniques in a seminar setting.  Emphasis is on student participation and integrating knowledge gained from previous Sport Management courses.


SPMT 20200