17-610 Advanced Electricity and Magnetism

Maxwell's equations will be used to explore electrostatics, magnetostatics, multipole expansion, electromagnetic waves, absorption, reflection, and transmission of radiation, and special relativity. Other topics may be covered as time permits.

17-618 Advanced Modern Optics

Topics include electromagnetic wave optics, Fourier optics, wave guides and fiber optics, and an introduction to photon/quantum optics. Additional advanced topics will be chosen at the discretion of the instructor and may include quantum optics, lasers, semiconductor optics and optical devices, electro-optical devices, or non-linear optics.

17-640 Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Topics include operator formalism, group-representations, time dependent Schrodinger equation, time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory, scattering theory, spin, many particle systems, and identical particle systems. Applications to atomic, molecular, condensed matter, and/or nuclear/particle physics will be introduced at the instructor’s discretion.


17-441 or 17-541 or equivalent.

17-642 Semiconductor Physics and Devices

Topics include semiconductor structure and properties, band structure, electron transport, pn-junctions, and semiconductor devices. Additional topics may include optical properties of semiconductors and quantum confinement.

17-680 Special Topics in Physics

This course will provide students with lecture and/or lab experiences presenting topics of current interest in Physics. Course may be repeated for credit. Topics will vary. Topics selected to enhance student learning and complement, not duplicate, material used in Readings, Seminar, and Thesis.


Consent of instructor.

17-685 Readings in Physics

Special topics in specific areas of physics tailored to needs of individual students. Readings selected to enhance student learning and complement, not duplicate, readings designed to meet Seminar and Thesis requirements.


Consent of instructor.

17-696 Graduate Seminar

Students will engage in journal reading, oral presentations, and critical discussions of topics in physics or related fields delivered by invited speakers, faculty, and graduate students. Students must take this course for at least two semesters; however, only two credit hours can be applied toward the 30-credit hour degree requirement. Seminar will not replicate content of Readings or Thesis.


Consent of instructor.

17-698 Master's Thesis

Students conduct research leading toward preparation of the Master's thesis. Students are required to register for this course during any term in which they are engaged in formal preparation of the master's thesis; however, the required six credit hours are the maximum number of credit hours applicable toward the 30 credit hour degree requirement.


Consent of thesis director.