59-600 Portfolio Management

Quantitative and qualitative techniques for evaluating portfolios are presented consistent with the learning objectives for Level I of the CFA Exam. Traditional mean-variance analysis and more recent developments in portfolio theory are introduced. Measures of portfolio performance are covered.


59-512, 59-572, 59-579 and proficiency in Excel.

59-601 Legal, Social and Ethical Foundations of Business

This course examines some important areas of law governing behavior in the business community. Students develop an understanding of how policy considerations and social and ethical values become articulated in specific legal terminology. Topics covered include contract law, regulatory law, sales law, paper law, corporation law, agency and employment, environment and community planning, consumer protection and ethical considerations. Note: Students who have completed undergraduate courses in Business Law I and Business Law II with a grade of B or higher in both may waive this course and substitute another course in the MBA program from Phase III.

59-602 Fixed Income Analysis

Evaluation of fixed income investments and interest rate fundamentals. Topics will replicate those for the CFA® Level I program and typically include evaluating risk, spot and forward interest rate, and bond interest rate sensitivity as measured by duration and convexity.


59-512 and 59-572

59-603 Financial Statement Analysis

This course primarily covers the use of financial statements in analyzing a firm and its securities. Topics will replicate those for the CFA® Level I program and typically include cash flow analysis, earnings computations, and liability classifications including off-balance-sheet debt.


59-512 and 59-572

59-604 Quantitative Techniques for Financial Markets

Probability and statistical techniques as applies to financial markets. Topics will replicate those for CFA® Level I program and typically include correlation and regression in the prediction and evaluation of investment performance.



59-605 Social Media Analytics

This course discusses the use of social media analytics tools in order to assess if the current social media plan is successful in achieving its set goals. You will learn how to setup and use some of the leading web analytics tools available such as Google Analytics, Woopra, SocialAnalytics, Webtrends Analytics, Twitter Analytics, Facebook Analytics and/or Visistats. These tools use several techniques including server log files, cookies, web bugs, and page tagging. The course will also cover the key performance indicators for website which are referred to as Website metrics. 


59-510 and 59-582

59-606 Social Media Strategies

This course discusses the strategic implementation of online social media tools as they relate to a firm’s integrated marketing communication strategies. Students learn how companies position their marketing mix in the online world to contribute to the firm’s ultimate bottom line. Students get immersed in the tools and strategies that attract and engage visitors to a firm’s online presence. Students study and analyze websites, social media sites, and affiliate sites to gain the “big picture” on how successful companies utilize the online world to attract their target audience and achieve their business goals. 


59-510 and 59-582

59-607 Search Engine Optimization Methods

This course discusses search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. These techniques are used to help increase the amount of traffic to your website. This is done by increasing the website’s rankings generated by the different search engines. The course also discusses how to improve and modify the website pages and links to be SEO. Additionally the course presents several tools available online that can support SEO implementation such as keyword page rank tools, research and selection tools, website analysis tools, and directory search tools. 


59-504 and 59-582

59-611 Managerial Communication

This workshop course enables students to integrate communication theory and apply the various forms of written and oral communication skills required in business settings. Extensive practical application of the diverse forms of business communication with the aid of technology include written memos, e-mail messages, meeting management, collaborative reports and the incorporation of graphics. Multicultural aspects of the course include describing the challenges of international and cross-cultural business communication. Enhancing oral presentations with the use of multimedia PowerPoint slides is also covered. This course should be completed as early as possible in the program.

59-615 International Business and the Global Environment

This course explores the increasing economic interdependence among countries, the spread of innovation around the world, and how this affects business operating in the global marketplace. Through case analysis, the political, cultural, economic, legal, technological and other environmental forces that accompany this diffusion are discussed in light of the cross-border flow of goods, services, capital, and knowledge.


59-501, 59-502, 59-508, 59-510, and 59-512

59-620 Strategic Management in the Global Environment

This capstone course in the MBA curriculum enables a student to integrate the expertise gained in all other courses in the development of strategy and supportive policies for a business operating under global competitive conditions. This course must be the last course taken in the core course phase.


59-550, 59-554, 59-568, 59-572, 59-601, 59-611, and 59-615

59-630 Organizational Behavior and Development

This course provides students with a study of organizational development applying principles and techniques of behavioral sciences through a program of planned change. Students are expected to master underlying theories of organizations, motivation, group learning and leadership effectiveness.



59-640 Accounting Ethics

This required course considers the legal and ethical implications of strategic decisions made by accountants, and the role of the accountant as mediator between organizational and regulatory/societal interests.

59-642 International Accountancy

This course covers international financial accounting concepts including foreign currency transactions, interpreting foreign financial statements, presentation of domestic/foreign financial statements and the role of the accountant as a financial professional in international monetary transactions.



59-643 Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination

Introductory course in fraud detection and fraud prevention. Various timely forensic topics and cases will be examined.



59-644 Advanced Tax Topics

Federal estate, trust and gift taxes, tax planning to minimize taxation and selected current tax topics and cases are the focus of this course. Best practices in taxation are also examined.



59-650 Healthcare Management, Operations and Accounting

Designed to give a background of the hospital and healthcare environment, this course discusses the internal operating environment of healthcare organizations, including changes in healthcare regulations. Discussion includes the organizational relationships between patients, medical staff and administration. A significant portion of the course is devoted to the accounting function as it relates to the health- care field.


59-501 and 59-508

59-655 Quality Management in Healthcare

This course in Quality Management provides a systematic approach to improving and managing quality in healthcare organizations. It is designed for healthcare managers and executives. Students will learn both the conceptual and practical aspects of health care quality. A number of quality management and performance tools and techniques will also be introduced. These include Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Cause-Effect diagrams, Flow Charts, Pareto Diagrams, Function Deployment Matrices, Histograms, Data Sheets, and Control Spreadsheets.

59-660 Healthcare Marketing

Designed for an increasingly competitive environment, this course explores how marketing has become a responsibility of all employed in the healthcare field. Students are introduced to unique strategies and techniques as well as proven marketing concepts. Terms and theories are explored using case studies.



59-670 Healthcare Finance and Economics

This course is designed to give the student an understanding of the economic complexities and financial management in hospitals and healthcare fields. Current economic and financial issues for healthcare providers are also discussed.


59-502, 59-512 and 59-650. Note: MSN/MBA students will have different prerequisites for 59-650, 59-660 and 59-670.

59-675 Introduction to Healthcare Informatics

This course introduces the use of current information technology for healthcare and health data systems. It is designed to give the student an understanding of the different types of data captured, analyzed, maintained and processed for medical studies.

59-676 Healthcare Data Security, Privacy and Confidentiality

This course examines the current legal environment for confidentiality of healthcare data. It introduces the laws, regulations, policy and procedures for protecting sensitive patient data. The students learn risk assessment and how to address potential threats in a healthcare setting. Security policy and procedure development methods to secure the healthcare data as required by current laws are discussed in detail. 


59-506 Current Topics in Information Technology

59-677 Healthcare Data Analysis and Design

Designed for the in-depth study of the healthcare systems, this course teaches systems analysis and design specifically for the healthcare data. The students learn how to identify business problem statements for healthcare organizations, how to identify data requirements, how to gather data for detailed systems analysis. Systems development techniques to address business problems by improving existing information systems or developing new information systems are explained. Data manipulation concepts for health information systems are introduced. 



59-679 Business Intelligence & Data Analysis

This course introduces students to the current data mining and business intelligence tools for informed decision making. The tools to process and analyze increasingly complicated data sets are explained. Real-life scenarios from finance, CRM, operations, social media marketing, information systems and other disciplines are studied in detail. Specifically decision trees, classification, clustering, segmentation, decision support systems, search algorithms, data mining, factor and discriminant analysis and optimization concepts for both structured and unstructed data are discussed.