51-588 Internship 1

The principal internship classes (588/589) are designed to provide a pre-endorsement clinical experience that gives an opportunity for the candidate, as a future administrator, to exercise the knowledge, skill, and attitudes engendered in program courses, in a field-based setting. The candidate will participate in leadership experiences in preK-12 school settings.  The internship provides the candidate with a standards-based, data driven leadership, participation, and observation experience in leadership activities in school administration under the guidance of an experienced internship mentor and University faculty supervisor. These activities will include, but not be limited to, school improvement planning, hiring of staff, and supervision and evaluation of instructional personnel. The candidate will also garner a variety of leadership experiences in instructional leadership for literacy and numeracy improvement and the specific areas of ESL, special education, and gifted programming at the preK-12 levels. The candidate will also be involved in leadership experiences in the areas of technology and bullying prevention programming.
